Norbert Shadeg

Tuttle Balinese-English Dictionary

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the man in the moon.

      bungluh (=bunglun) adj cooked on the outside, but raw inside.

      bunglun n a pinkish white growth on the skin (=bulé).

      bungsel n a roll of sth (mungsel trans).

      bungselang pass be rolled up.

      bungselin pass be tried to roll up.

      bungsil n a very young coconut with no milk in it.

      bungsung n a basket carried in the hand, for small things.

      bungsungin pass be put in a basket.

      bungut L n mouth; beak; snout (cangkem R).

      mungutin pass be given a mouth.

      bunyi (=munyi) n sound (Mal).

      bupati (=bhuphati) n governor of a province (S bhūpati-).

      bupét n buffet, sideboard (D buffet).

      bur intrans plunge into lust.

      buras 1 intrans retire, withdraw, ebb (tide).

      buras 2 intrans be full of blotches; bajunné buras tinta his coat is full of ink spots.

      burat (=boréh) K n ointment, powder (cosmetic); burat wangi n scented powder; n an offering, mostly of betel.

      burbur intrans (murbur trans) scatter, throw down in confusion.

      burburan n confusion, dispersion.

      burburang pass be disturbed, be scattered by someone.

      burbuwah K n the air (=hambara).

      bureng intrans be dim, hazy.

      buri (=ba-huri) n back, backside.

      tut buri pass be followed by someone.

      burik adj mottled, speckled, pocked.

      burit n backside, behind; back.

      buritan n stern (ship).

      buron (buru-an) L n beast, animal (sato H).

      buroné the beasts.

      buru C intrans (muru trans) hunt, chase (boros L).

      buruhan, buruwan n hunting.

      buruhang, buruwang pass be hunted, chased.

      buruna pass be hunted by someone.

      buruh 1 n a hired worker, laborer (Mal); intrans (muruh trans) work, labor; do sth often.

      buruh-an n pay, wages, hire; n a hired servant (muruhan, muruwan trans).

      buruhang pass be given work, be paid for working.

      buruh 2 intrans be a good and lucky fighter (gamecock).

      burwa (=buru) K intrans hunt, chase.

      busan (=bahu) adv already (wus H); hi busan adv just now, just past, this moment (past).

      busanbusan adv often, very often.

      busana (bhūşaņa) K C n splendid raiment; princely clothes, ornaments (S bhūşana-)

      busbus 1 (=hembus, belusbus) intrans stream out in crowds.

      busbus 2 intrans (musbus trans) take away, slip away.

      busbusin pass be taken away.

      busel (=bungsel) n roll; intrans roll up.

      busét n a kind of white ape (found only in dramas).

      busu (=bucu) n corner (of a room).

      busuk n a kind of monkey.

      busul n boil, big pimple, ulcer.

      busung 1 n young leaf of palm or coconut (mamusung trans).

      busung 2 n dropsy, swollen belly; adj enlarged, pregnant.

      busut n swarm, throng; intrans swarm, run confusedly in a crowd.

      but (=rebut) intrans fight, attack.

      buta 1 n evil spirit, esp those haunting burial places (S bhūta-); buta kala n demon.

      buta 2 adj blind (nénten nyingakin H ‘not see’); n blindness; buta siyap adj nearsighted.

      butbut intrans (=habut) extract, draw out repeatedly.

      butubutuhan n bracelet.

      butuh 1 n testicle, scrotum (mabutuh intrans); (in some areas) adj =wayan ‘eldest child.’

      butuh jelana n a wooden bar for doors.

      butuh sampi a sort of brinjal.

      butuh 2 n a way of addressing small boys; mahi butuh come here, laddie!

      butul (=bétél) n a hole in sth; intrans go straight through; be clairvoyant.

      butus n the narrow end of a fish trap or bagnet for fish (mutus trans).

      buwa L adj clouded, misty, hazy, dim, having bad eyesight (lamur R); damar buwa n a dim lamp.

      buwah (=bwah) L n fruit (woh H), product, esp betel nut (jambé H).

      buwahbuwahhan n fruit (wohwohan H).

      buwah catur n a set of chessmen.

      bwaha intrans fruit.

      bwah hanggur grape.

      bwah lawang cloves.

      bwahné its fruit.

      bwah pala nutmeg.

      buwaka adj intentional, deliberate (see bowaka); intrans (muwaka trans) begin; do purposely.

      buwakahang pass be done purposely.

      buwana (=bhuwana) K n world (S bhuvana-) (jagat R).

      buwana hagung n the world as a whole, macrocosm.

      buwana halit n microcosm, the body of man.

      buwang adj on heat, prepared for mating (animals, esp pigs); intrans be in love; have sexual desire.

      buwangit n a species of plant, used as a vegetable.

      buwat 1 n thing, matter, subject (used as prep and conj).

      buwat kapo conj that (e.g. ‘I know that…’).

      buwatné prep ‘its matter’ =concerning, for, about.

      buwat ring H, pabwat H prep for, because of, instead of.

      buwat 2 intrans be necessary, be needed (mabwat intrans).

      buwatang L H intrans (muwatang trans) regard as important, pay attention to, emphasize, regard as necessary (saratang R).

      pinih buwata H most necessary, especially.

      buwat 3 C intrans (muwat trans) carry, bear, have a 1oad (haba L, bakta, gawa H).

      bwat, bwatan n load, burden (=mwatan).

      bwatin pass be loaded.

      buwat 4 C intrans (muwat trans) bet, wager (hetoh L) (mabwat intrans).

      buwatang pass be wagered (money).

      buwatin pass be betted, be made (a bet).

      buwat 5 (=bwat) intrans powder the breast (a nursing mother).

      buwel (=buhel) adj fat, stout.

      buwés intrans be wide open (see bohés).

      buwi n prison (D boei); n a basket or box for opium; n a cage for crickets.

      buwik adj grey, greyish (rooster).

      buwin (=bwin, bin, bihin) adv again, still, further, more; ‘buwin + adv of time’ refers to the future (malih H).

      buwin hacepok adv once more.

      buwin man (Raf) adv besides.

      buwin mani (=bin mani) L adv even tomorrow.

      buwin pidan L later, afterwards