(malih pidan H).
buwin pidan? interro adv ‘when (will)?’ (malih pidan?).
bwin pwan (=buwin puwan) L adv the day after tomorrow (malih kalih rahina H).
buwina L adv in addition, besides.
buwitbuwit n a species of field grass; a species of small freshwater snail found in rice fields.
buwu 1 (=buhu) n a species of plant; n a kind of offering.
buwu 2 (=buhu) intrans be empty.
buwu 3 (=buhu) intrans chase, hunt, pursue (mabuhubuhu intrans).
buyan hati L n a heart disease (buyan hangen H).
buyar intrans fall apart (rice sheaf), fly apart, disperse, scatter, be dishevelled (mabuyaran intrans).
buyuh (=buduh) adj made.
buyuk n the nipa tree; leaves of this tree used for weaving mats, and for making cigarettes.
buyung intrans fly; n fly.
buyung bangké bluebottle.
buyung jaran horsefly.
buyungbuyung n a species of vegetable.
buyut L n great-great-grandfather, and great-great-grandchild (the sixth stage in genealogy, up and down) (yuyut R).
bwaya n crocodile.
lidah bwaya n a plant that can be used as a shampoo.
panggal bwaya n a species of plant.
by- all the following words may be written with initial biy-.
byah intrans be productive (rice, etc.).
byang 1 intrans be restless.
byangbyangan n restlessness.
byang 2 R n mother (hibu, biyang H, mémé L, bibi C).
byangé the mother.
byanghaji R mother and father.
byanghajin R mother and father (of).
byanghajiné R the mother and father.
byanghajinné, biyanghajinyané, biyanghajinnyané R his mother and father.
byangnyané his mother.
byas n sand.
byasa (=ketah) L adj ordinary, common (lumrah H, kalagu R).
byu n plantain tree, banana plant; banana.
byun hapuhun one banana plant.
byuh adj luxuriant, thickly grown, crowded together.
ca n the third letter of the alphabet.
cabak n a small coconut shell used to keep holy water in.
cabar intrans be unbelieving, rash, insolent; always know better than others.
heda bani cabar ngomong kéto do not dare insolently speak thus.
cabarcabar katipat one who is very rash gets his deserts (a proverb).
cabcab 1 intrans (nyabcab trans) talk discursively, mention everything or mention many irrelevant things.
cabcab 2 intrans (nyabcab trans) do sth in a disorderly way.
cabcab 3 intrans (nyabcab trans) do sth without fail.
cabcab 4 intrans (nyabcab trans) dampen sth by sprinkling it with water.
cabcabin pass be sworn by drinking oath-water.
cablégbég adj covered with outbreaks (skin).
cabluk intrans hit on the chin from below (=cagluk).
cabol (Jav) n dwarf; adj dwarfish; intrans be like a wooden rice-spoon.
cabot intrans (nyabot trans) pull up plants, pluck out (hair, feathers).
cabul intrans use foul language; adj dirty, nasty; n a dirty person.
cacab H intrans (nyacab trans) suck in, lap up; drink water on an oath (=cabcab) (hecor L).
cacaban n swearing an oath.
cacad n a bodily defect (also used as a term of abuse), flaw, blemish, stain.
cacadin pass be found defective; be disapproved of (nyacad trans).
cacag (=cagcag) n loom.
cacah 1 intrans tattoo; n tattoo marks; n a tick (insect); cacah jiwa n the population, number of people (=cacak).
cacah 2 (=cahcah) n fragments, crumbs, loose notes, rough draft (nyacah trans).
cacak 1 n content, character, summary, précis (=cakcak, cacah) (nyacak trans); adv certainly, as stated, as proved.
cacak 2 intrans (nyacak trans) register, count one by one; cacak jiwan n census of the inhabitants of a country.
cacakan n minutes of a meeting, verbal account; tusing menék cacakan not included in the account; surat cacakan n inventory.
cacal intrans (nyacal trans) make cakes, sweets (=calcal).
ca-candi-yan intrans have the form of a temple gateway.
cacang adj clever, handy, ready, convenient.
ca-canggah-an M n house (what rests on a canggah) (humah L, puri C); cacanggahan jarak my house (used when a śudra speaks to a superior).
ca-canging-an n a kris hilt of the wood called canging.
ca-cangkit-an n a joke, jest; mocking speech; riddle, puzzle.
ca-capil n a Balinese hat.
cacar 1 H n chicken pox, smallpox (kerawan L) (nyacar trans).
cacara pass be vaccinated.
cacar 2 n part; intrans (nyacar trans) divide.
cacarang pass be divided.
cacarin pass be shared, distributed.
cacaron n an offering to demons and lower gods (=caru).
ca-catut n tweezers for pulling out the beard.
ca-cawang-an n an estimate, guess.
ca-cawi-yan n carving, carved ornament.
ca-cekah-an n being cut in thick slices.
ca-cekér-an n a love song.
ca-cékér-in pass be annoyed with talk by someone.
ca-celéng L n a hinge, a door staple, a hook on which to hang a door (purus kori H).
ca-ceḑek-an H n a short spear.
cacep intrans be skilled; hiya cacep ngahitung he is skilled at arithmetic.
jalma cacep n a light-fingered person, thief.
cacep-an H n a water jar (caratan L, gebeh M).
ca-cicing-an adj swollen (veins).
ca-cili-yan n a puppet made of wood or palm leaves; puppetry.
ca-cimped-an n a riddle, a trick question.
cacing, cacing-an n earthworm; intestinal worm; a kind of thin rattan.
ca-cingak H n sight, look.
ca-cirén n sign, signature (=ciri-an).
ca-cirup-an n dyed material; writing (on some substances).
ca-colong-an n stolen goods.
ca-corong n long funnel.
ca-coték n species of fish.
cacunduk n a flower stuck in the hair.
cacurut n muskrat (Raf) (=mamunju).
cadang 1 L intrans prepare, make ready (cawis H).