Norbert Shadeg

Tuttle Balinese-English Dictionary

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intrans be unable to keep a secret (=cémlék).

      camok n a cord tied round the muzzle of a beast (nyamok trans).

      camokin pass have its muzzle tied.

      campah n scorn, mockery, despising (nyampah trans); intrans scorn, despise; adj tasteless, not valued.

      campahin pass be despised, not be valued.

      campang n a big, thick tree trunk.

      campleng 1 intrans be finished, be completed (=capleng).

      campleng 2 adj exact; adv exactly.

      camplung n a kind of tree whose fruit is like marbles.

      gayung camplung a man who is always unlucky, however hard he works.

      campuh 1 intrans (nyampuh trans) be in dispute, fight hand to hand; appear (both parties) before a judge.

      campuh 2 intrans (nyampuh trans) intrans mix, mingle; campuh dadiyang besik (what) is mixed is-caused-to-become one.

      campuhan n the place where two rivers combine, confluence, conflux.

      campuhang pass be caused to mix.

      campuhin pass be mixed by someone.

      campur 1 R intrans be unclean, ceremonially impure; be under the curse of the law; not be able to enter a temple (usually because menstruating) (sebel L).

      campur 2 M intrans (nyampur trans) mix, have sexual or other intercourse.

      campuran n mixing, intercourse.

      campurang pass be caused to mix.

      campurin pass be mixed by someone, be copulated with.

      camput intrans have no descendants, so that, in default of a legal heir, one’s property devolves to the community.

      camura K n dog (=cambra).

      camuru n a species of sea fish.

      canang 1 n a small offering to the gods; canang gantal, canang genten, canang pajegan, canang sari four kinds of small offerings.

      juru canang n one who makes up offerings.

      canang 2 C n betel (basé L, sedah H).

      juru canang C n one who makes up betel into packages.

      canda 1 intrans (nyandahin trans) play (=macanda).

      candacanda cacing play ends up in fighting.

      candacanda-han n game.

      candahin pass be invited to play.

      canda 2 n rule laid down by a teacher of music.

      candak 1 intrans (nyandak trans) guard someone, keep watch on, keep prisoner.

      candak 2 intrans (nyandak trans) hold up, block the way.

      caņḑaka K intrans be unclean, be disqualified from entering a holy place (=campur).

      candala n physical defect, shortcoming.

      candana (=ceņḑana, cenana) n sandalwood.

      candang n a disease of plants.

      candang brahma, candang hapi a disease that makes plants turn reddish.

      candang kubal a disease that makes the leaves of plants thin and partly white.

      caņḑang n a grub which infests rice.

      candet n a rhythm that matches another (nyandet trans).

      candetin pass be answered (musical rhythm), corresponded to.

      caņḑet intrans (nyaņḑet trans) pour in, keep in, check, stop; retain sth which belongs to someone else.

      caņḑi n a pillar of stone or wood.

      candi bentar n ‘split pillar’ =the ornate gateway of a temple court which looks like a wall split in two symmetrical halves.

      candi kurung a similar wall, not split.

      candra K n moon (bulan L, sasih H) (S candra-).

      candra kitana n moonlight.

      candra metu the moon rises.

      candra sangkala one of the ways of describing the year.

      candra wilasita n a poetic meter, rhythm.

      dina candra Monday.

      harda candra crescent moon, half-moon.

      candu L K n unmixed opium ready for use (S candu-) (sari, sasarin H).

      candung 1 n a sort of taro.

      buka yéh di don candung ‘like water on taro leaves’ =a small fault brings misfortune.

      candung 2 intrans cut off the upper part of sth (nyandungang trans).

      candungang pass be cut off (the upper part).

      cané n betel used at the opening of a village meeting (macané intrans).

      caneg intrans stop suddenly (on a journey).

      canigara n a species of plant liked for its flowers.

      caning n a species of plant.

      Caniscara n Saturday (an incorrect form of saniscara) (S saniścara-).

      cantaka L n a hawk that takes fowls (cataka H) (=kakelik).

      cantaka intrans (nyantakahin trans) mourn.

      cantakahin pass be mourned for.

      cantél n agreement, verbal appointment, involvement (nyantél trans).

      cantélang pass be caused to be involved, be joined closely to.

      cantélan n involvement, a close joining.

      cantet 1 intrans (nyantet trans) pick pockets, pilfer, steal quickly.

      cantet 2 intrans gore, horn (=santét).

      canteta pass be gored by.

      cantét intrans (nyantét trans) join closely, be in agreement, involve in (=cantél).

      cantik n the uvula.

      cantika pass be thought to resemble a uvula.

      caņţing n a coconut shell used as a small cup or ladle (nyaņţing trans).

      canting n some kinds of religious knowledge, spells.

      canting kuning, canting mas names of spells.

      cantok intrans (nyantok trans) flatten, crush.

      cantokang pass be caused to crush, caused to flatten.

      cantokin pass be flattened further and made smooth.

      cantol intrans be involved, be closely joined (=cantél).

      caņţung n a copper bowl; a musical instrument.

      cang 1 n Brazil wood (boiled to make a black dye).

      cang 2 ps pron abbr of hicang ‘I.’ cangak n a species of stork or heron.

      cangan intrans give off a color (red or other) when wet.

      cangcang 1 intrans (nyangcang trans) have a small belly, be thin, broken down (horse).

      cangcang 2 intrans tether, tie together.

      cangcing n a species of bird in the forest.

      canggah n a branch with two points, support, trestle; a split; the main frame of a house; n a branch of a family, a family tree, ancestry or descendants; intrans (nyanggah trans) divide into two, fork.

      canggah biyas n stirrup.

      canggah hiru n the notch of an arrow.

      canggah huwang n a trestle for scaffolding.

      canggah telu have three branches.

      canggahin pass be provided with branches.
