(nyadang trans) block a road; take in, receive.
cadangang pass be used in order to receive sth.
cadangin pass act as a receptacle.
cadcad intrans (nyadcad trans) treat shamefully, ill-use.
cadel H intrans (nyadel trans) stop, break off, pull up (car), block (a way).
cadelin pass be stopped, be blocked.
cadik L M n lower jaw (=jagut) (lalentek H).
cadik galir intrans be talkative, garrulous.
cadongan pass be intended for.
cadot intrans not reach, not arrive, not have time; kadong cadot pajalan not have-time-for the journey.
cagak 1 n a forked stick; cagak gong forked sticks on which the pole rests from which a gong is hung.
cagakin pass be supported on a forked stick (nyagakin trans).
cagak 2 n a vessel for drinking arak; a swallow of arak to revive someone.
cagcag 1 n a kind of flower which grows on a tree.
cagcag 2 n the weaver’s beam; loom.
cager intrans (nyager trans) hope, expect with certainty.
cagera pass (it) is confidently expected by them.
cagerang imp be hopeful!; pass be confidently expected.
cagluk intrans (nyagluk trans) hit on the chin from below (=cabluk intrans).
cahak n an owl, believed to bring bad luck.
cahcah 1 n a species of sea fish.
cahcah 2 intrans (nyahcah trans) chop up, break into pieces (=cacah).
cahcahang pass be chopped up, broken to bits.
cahcahin pass be chopped more finely.
cahi L masc 2ps pron =‘younger brother’ =thou, thee; formerly used by higher to lower persons, offensive now except among equals (corresponding fem 2ps pron is nyahi).
cahiné after a n =thy.
cahicahi pl you.
cahiyang pass be addressed as cahi.
cahu 1 n an insect; n a species of lizard.
cahu 2 n a sort of offering (=caru).
cahuh adj rash.
cahul n a very coarse kind of cloth.
cahya (=cahaya, caya) n brightness, luster, shine (S chāyā-); adj bright, radiant, shining; intrans shine brightly.
cakal 1 n a species of sea fish (nyakal trans).
cakal 2 n a forked stick used as a support (=cagak).
cakal 3 intrans (nyakal trans) bark (dog).
cakalin pass be barked at.
cakap intrans (nyakap trans) take on, assume, commit oneself to sth.
cakar n paw with claws; intrans (nyakar trans) scratch with claws, scrape, rake, harrow.
cakara pass is scraped by.
cakat (=caket) n scissors for betel (=kacip calakaté).
cakcak 1 intrans (nyakcak trans) count up, register (=cacak).
cakcak 2 intrans (nyakcak trans) prove, examine, investigate; n examination, proof, test.
cakcak 3 intrans (nyakcak trans) strike, hit hard.
cakcakang pass be struck, hit.
cakcakin pass be shattered by a blow.
cakcak-an n cockfight for testing roosters, not in the cockpit.
cakeluk adj very old, worn out; hanak cakeluk n a very old man.
cakep intrans (nyakep trans) enclose, shut in close tightly.
cakep-an n a Balinese book, written on palm leaves and enclosed between two boards; cakepan basa dictionary; cakepan hitungan account book; cakepan palajahan book of (moral) instruction.
cakepané the book.
cakepang pass be caused to be enclosed, be shut in by someone.
caket 1 n scissors for betel (nyaket trans); intrans cut (with scissors).
caketa pass be cut by someone.
caket 2 n cramp, stiffness of the limbs.
cakli intrans be very enthusiastic about, be passionate about (ma-cakli intrans).
caklok n a bite; intrans (nyaklok trans) bite.
cakloka pass was bitten by (a dog).
cakra 1 n wheel, circle; the weapon of Siwa (S cakra-).
cakra 2 H n the sign for conjunct r after a consonant (guhung L).
cakra 3 n vulva.
cakrawaka n a species of bird (=krekowak).
cakrawarti n emperor, king over kings (S cakravarti-) (nyakrawarti trans).
cakup intrans (nyakup trans) enclose, hold together (=cakep, cikup).
cakupang pass be closed, be enclosed.
cala intrans (nyala trans) run away (wife, slave).
calaka intrans (Raf) be unlucky (gambling).
calakat n betel scissors (=kacip, caket).
calcal intrans (nyalcal trans) make sweets, cakes (=cacal).
calcalan n sweetmeats, cakes.
calekitikan n a small squirrel; n a dragonfly (=capung).
calempung intrans (nyalempung trans) make the sound of sth falling into water.
calép intrans find it easy to ask for sth; caléb calung intrans ask continually for things, without embarrassment.
calik n (Raf) tusk (e.g. of elephant, boar).
caling n eyetooth (canine tooth of upper jaw).
caling balatan n (Raf) the flank of an army.
calon 1 n a sort of dish of meat.
calon 2 n material to be worked; besi calon raw iron.
calon waringin n a species of rice plant with thick stalks.
calon 3 n chief, headman (nyalon trans); calon harang n the chief of the léyaks (ghosts, witches); the name of a tune.
calonang pass be made chief.
caluh intrans be good friends with someone; feel at home with someone.
caluk n a cleaver, large axe.
caluluk 1 n a species of bird.
caluluk 2 intrans do sth without thought.
caluluk 3 intrans dry off.
calung intrans (nyalung trans) see calép.
cam adj serious, grave (wound).
camah L intrans menstruate.
camara n the casuarina tree; n the leaves of the pine or spruce (=cemara).
camat n sub-district of a province; pak camat n head of a sub-district (=punggawa).
cambeng 1 n a small section of bamboo filled with rice wine and offered to the spirits.
cambeng 2 intrans speak through the nose.
cambra n dog (=camera, camura); cambra berag a thin dog (in magic).
camburuwan (Raf) n jealousy; adj jealous.
camed intrans draw one lip over the other; adj fallen in (of the mouth).
camera K n dog (=cambra, camura) (cicing L).
cameti n whip, scourge; a short whip