intrans join closely (nyéntélang trans).
céntélan n match, equal; marriage partner.
céntélang pass be involved, closely joined.
centeng intrans make the sound of iron being struck.
ceņţéng adj soft, fine (voice); munyi ceņţéng a lovely voice.
centok intrans (nyentokang trans) match, compare with.
centokang pass be compared with, be matched with.
céntong n a metal (tin) measure of volume (grain).
centula adj defiled, impure, ceremonially unclean.
centung intrans make the sound tung (a small copper bowl, a percussion instrument, in the orchestra).
céng 1 intrans make the sound céng, make the sound of the cymbals (céngcéng).
cecéng intrans make the sound of the cymbals (céngcéng).
céng 2 n the eyeteeth (=caling).
cengag intrans be rooted to the ground with astonishment.
cengakcenguk n the cry of the quail; intrans cry (quail).
cengceng, céngcéng n cymbals; small copper bowls, part of the gagambelan (nyéngcéng trans).
céngcéngin pass be played (the céngcéng).
cenged intrans (Gyanyar) have children quickly.
cengeg intrans (nyengeg trans) take, catch, seize, arrest.
cengegin pass be caught, seized, arrested.
cengeh 1 adj exhausted (a rooster after a fight) (macengehan intrans).
cengehcengeh intrans groan, moan.
cengeh 2 intrans (Tabanan) run fast out of fear.
cengéh intrans make the sound ngéh (a newborn baby).
cengel-an n the nape of the neck.
cengelin pass be hit on the nape of the neck.
cengeng intrans make an earsplitting noise (=cengung).
cengér intrans make the sound ngér (a small child crying) (=clengér).
cengércengér intrans cry (a small child).
cenggeh intrans oppose strongly, defy.
cenggorét n a species of insect.
cengik intrans make sound ngik (a mournful sound) (=crengik).
cengil n dispute, argument (macengilan intrans).
cengkal intrans talk a lot.
cengkang n a span (tip of the first finger to thumb).
hacengkang n one span.
basangné hacengkang ‘his belly (is) one span’ =he is easily offended.
cengkéd n a physique curved in front; intrans have a swelling belly.
cengkéh 1 n cloves (spice).
cengkéh 2 adj morbidly talkative.
cengkéng intrans have a high-pitched voice, talk loudly; adj morbidly talkative (=cengkéh).
cengkilik n a measure (= ½ of cerongcong, = ¼ of a coconut shell).
cengking 1 intrans make the sound king.
cengking 2 intrans bear a grudge (ma-cengking intrans).
cengkir 1 n a young coconut.
cengkir 2 intrans (SWBali) be stunted, dwarfish.
cengkok intrans change the rhythm (in Bali music).
cengkong intrans (=ngongkong) bark, bay (dogs).
cengkorék n a species of crow (=cengoréd).
cengkorét n a species of insect (=cenggorét).
céngkrong n a shape of kris hilt; intrans be bent, crooked.
cengong intrans be growing rapidly less; cen-gong bayunné his strength is decreasing greatly.
cengongol intrans ponder, muse on (nyengongol trans).
cengongolang be pondered on in solitude;
Nguda cengongolang hibané ditu? Why are (you) musing alone there?
cengor intrans make the sound ngor (the roar of water); sound like roaring water.
cengoréd n a species of crow (=cengorék).
cengung intrans make the sound ngung (a whizzing sound, as of an arrow); a droning sound that pierces the ear.
cengur intrans make the sound ngur (weeping).
cepag adj short and fat, stocky, dumpy (body) (=ceplag).
cepaka n gardenia, frangipani (=cempaka).
ceped intrans (nyeped trans) strike, hit.
cepedin pass be hit, struck.
cepéd intrans make the sound of a flat hand hitting part of the body, smack, slap.
cepédin pass be slapped, smacked (nyepédin trans).
cepek intrans (nyepek trans) suit, fit.
cepeng adj smooth, equal, clean (of lines); adv straight out; intrans be exactly on the target.
cepér 1 n a square basket of green or dry coconut or jaka leaves, used as the base of an elaborate offering (cempér).
cepér 2 adj having fine features (face).
cepet 1 intrans always hit the bull’s eye, always be lucky (macepetan intrans).
cepet 2 intrans be quick, fast (Mal).
cepikan n the tip, topmost part.
cepil, ceping adj accurate.
ceplag adj short and fat (body), dumpy, stocky (=cepag).
ceplos intrans (nyeplosang trans) have come off, come loose (what should be fixed), be 1oose.
ceplosang pass be caused to come loose, come off.
cepo 1 n a small copper box.
cepo 2 n a large boil (=sepo).
cépo n greed, gluttony.
cepok L adv once, on one occasion (pisan H).
cepokang pass be done once (nyepokang trans).
cepok pindo ‘once, twice’ =now and then, once in a while.
pang cepok adv once.
cepol intrans (nyepol trans) fall.
cepolang pass be made to fall, be dropped.
cepolcepol intrans fall one by one.
cepolin pass be dropped by someone.
cépol n dwarf; adj dwarfish (=cabol).
cepong intrans (nyepong trans) make a hole, stab, pierce, perforate.
cepongang pass be pierced, stabbed, perforated.
cepuk 1 intrans (nyepuk trans) meet, come across, find.
cepukang pass be brought face to face with someone by someone.
cepukin pass be come across, be met accidentally.
cepuk 2 n a kind of cloth.
cepung 1 intrans not be (joint) heir (=ceput).
cepung 2 intrans (nyepung trans) be steep, be deep; habing cepung the river-bank is-steep.
cepungang pass be made steep, made deep.
cepung 3 intrans make the sound pung.
ceput intrans have no heirs (=cepung).
cerah intrans (nyerah trans)