trans) spot with black.
cléwéh intrans be garrulous (=cléméh).
clewis intrans enter smoothly into a hole (an elliptical object) (=cluwing, cluwis).
clicig, cligcig intrans walk alone in haste without looking about.
clagcagcligcig intrans walk to and fro alone.
clidra intrans suspect, be suspicious (=cenidra).
clika intrans (NBali) suspect, be suspicious (=cenidra).
climik intrans speak (=clémik).
cliring intrans be cautious, careful.
cliscis intrans (nyliscis trans) walk silently.
clocoh 1 intrans lack caution, be rash.
clocoh 2 n channel, groove (nylocoh trans).
clocohan n channel, groove.
clogcag intrans be in disorder (nylogcag trans).
closcos intrans jump about.
clucuh intrans be indecent, disgusting.
cludak intrans (Gyanyar) lust after someone’s wife.
cluluk 1 n widow, widower (balung L).
cluluk 2 intrans shout to make known where one is.
clungap intrans (nylungap trans) keep on asking, beg.
clupcup (=clubcub) intrans come or go one at a time.
cluwag intrans be rash in speaking, be pushed into speaking.
cluwing, cluwis intrans go smoothly into a hole (an elliptical object) (=clewis).
cob (=hecob) intrans fade (colors in cloth).
coba intrans (nyoba trans) test, find out if sth is satisfactory; n testing.
cobayang pass be tested.
cobcob intrans have meals at irregular times (=cebceb).
cobék (=cubék) n bowl, basin.
coblak (=coblek) intrans be uneven (=cublak); hentikan padiné coblak the growth of the rice is uneven.
cobling (=cubling) n a figure in a popular Bali story.
coblok n a box for keeping lime for betel-chewing.
coblong n a small pottery cup; intrans have a round bald spot on the head (=lengar coblong).
cocoh intrans (nyocoh trans) prick, stick a point in, make dots (=cohcoh).
cocok 1 adj dirty, greasy; improper, untamable; stupid; impolite (nyocok trans).
cocok 2 intrans (nyocok trans) fit, suit, agree with.
cocokang pass be fitted, suit, be made to agree.
cocok 3 intrans ask for food from other people.
cocol n heap, pile (nyocol trans).
cocolan n pile, heap.
cocolang pass be piled, heaped up, stacked.
cocolin pass be contained in; cocolin huyah (it) has salt in it.
cocol warak n rhinoceros horn.
cocong n a boy’s penis.
cocor n jib-boom (ship); rhinoceros horn.
cod intrans decrease in size, shrink.
coda n a kind of black skin-disease.
codcod intrans (nyodcod trans) be out of step, unrhythmic.
codcoda pass be read without rhythm.
codet n the scar of a wound.
cog (abbr of kecog) intrans hop like a bird, jump.
cogcag intrans be in disarray (=clogcag).
cogcog intrans hop about (see kecog).
cogér intrans (nyogérin trans) stick fast in sth.
cograh, cogréh, cokrah, cokréh intrans quarrel, dispute (=coréh).
cogroh intrans (nyogroh trans) paw, scratch (by a cat).
cogroha pass (it) is pawed, scratched.
cohcoh intrans (nyohcoh trans) stick (a point) in often, make holes, perforate.
cohcohang pass be stabbed into, have sth stuck into.
cohok (NBali) n appetite, taste.
cohong intrans look thin and pale (as one suffering from diarrhoea).
cok (=hecok) intrans lay a bet with dissimilar stakes.
cok n king (abbr of cokorḑa).
cokcok intrans (nyokcok trans) peck repeatedly (rooster); pound betel in a mortar.
cokéh intrans (nyokéh trans) dig out with a point, pick out.
cokéhang pass be dug out for someone.
cokéhin pass be dug out, picked out by someone.
cokeli n a kind of mother-of-pearl, used for inlaying.
coklat n chocolate (D); adj dark brown.
cokobiyoh adj irregular, careless, squandering.
cokol intrans (nyokol trans) squat, dwell, sit beside.
cokor C n foot (batis L) (nyokor trans) (Jav suku).
cokorné his feet.
cokor hi déwa, cokor hi ratu phrases used to very high persons as pronouns: ‘you.’
cokorḑa in the past, the title of the kings of Badung and Tabanan; now used as ps pron ‘you’ to kings, esp the déwa hagung of Kalungkung (the kings of Bangli, Buléléng, Gyanyar, Jembrana, and Karangasem were hanak hagung; the king of Kalungkung, who claimed to be over-king of all Bali, had the title déwa hagung).
cokot intrans (nyokot trans) snatch away, remove secretly, take with the fingertips; peck away, grab with the beak (birds) (see cotot).
cokotang be caused to be taken.
cokotin pass be taken away by, pecked away by.
cokrah, cokréh intrans quarrel, dispute (=cograh, cogréh, coréh).
cokrék intrans be in great need, be wretchedly poor.
col intrans (eat rice) without relishes; nahar nasi col (eat plain boiled rice).
colék intrans (nyolék trans) break off a small piece (=culik).
colékang pass be broken off for someone.
colékcolék intrans repeatedly break bits off.
colékin pass be broken off by someone.
colo intrans (nyolo trans) apparently be drinking (like a fish).
colob 1 intrans have sexual intercourse with a woman (very low).
colob 2 pass be allowed to remedy a fault in playing cikal.
colocolo n a species of sea fish.
coloh intrans be widely different.
coloh tujuh the index finger is distinctive.
coloh tendas, kelet hikuh ‘widely different is the head, skinned is the tail’ =he looks attractive, but is in fact stingy.
colok L n matches (fire) (=korék).
colong 1 n a rite performed when a baby is three months old.
colong 2 intrans (nyolong trans) steal, smuggle, take away quietly.
colongin pass be stolen (see majang colongin).
nyolong smara ‘steal love’ =commit adultery.
coma n moon, Monday (=soma K).
comél 1 adj talkative, jocular.