cungih n a harelip (=congéh).
cungik n a big scoop-net (nyungik trans).
cungklik (EBali) n a musical instrument of bamboo (nyungklik trans).
cungkub n one of the places where offerings are made, worship offered.
cunguh L n nose (hirung, hungasan R).
cunguhipun her nose.
cupak, cupakan n the bowl of an opium pipe; title of a moral story.
hacupakan n one fill of opium for a pipe.
cupar intrans (nyupar trans) be miserly, have nothing for others (ḑemit H).
cuparang pass be made miserly.
cupek L adj narrow (cupit H).
cupik n sprout, shoot of a plant, a young leaf.
cupit H adj narrow (space) (cupek L).
cupu 1 n a small metal cup used in ceremonies of sacrifice.
cupu 2 n womb, uterus.
cur intrans make the sound used for chasing away pigs.
curek intrans have earache with emission of pus.
cureng n an inquisitive look (nyureng trans); adj looking inquisitively.
curénggah, curénggéh intrans have many branches (=crénggeh).
curida n species of bird.
curiga K n kris (kadutan L); n a species of tree on which krises grow.
curik n a starling.
curing 1 n a sort of musical instrument.
curing 2 in karang curing n an ornament like the head of a bird used on a weapon or on the wall of a temple.
curna K adj broken; intrans perish, break (=remek, rémék).
cutak n a measure of area.
bacutak n a plot of land.
cuté C intrans menstruate (sebel L).
cutet R intrans be short, brief (bawak L) (nyutet trans).
cutetang pass be shortened, made short.
cutetin pass be made shorter.
cutetipun adv ‘its shortness’ =in brief.
cuwah (=cuweh) intrans be stained, soiled (with blood, etc.).
macuwahcuwah intrans be greatly soiled.
cuwak intrans stand apart at varying distances (=cowak).
cuwat 1 intrans move upwards (pan of the scales); adj bent over backwards.
cuwat 2 intrans be very unhappy.
cuweh (=cuwah) intrans be stained, soiled (with blood, etc.).
cuweng 1 n the larva of a large dragonfly.
cuweng 2 intrans be quick, fast (macuweng intrans).
cuwet intrans the swish of a whiplash.
cuwét intrans make the sound of a monkey or a bird (=cruwét).
cuwil adj very foul, very dirty.
cuwing intrans make a sound like bullets being fired past.
cuwit intrans squeak (mouse, rat).
cuwitcuwit intrans chirp (young birds); smack the lips, as in kissing.
da 1 n the sixth letter of the alphabet.
da 2 adv not (=dā); L (=heda, hda) the particle introducing the negative imp ‘do not’ (sampun, sampunang H).
dada (=hadahada) ‘it is not improbable.’
sing da adv not at all.
da 3 H pron abbr of hida he, she, they.
ḑa, dha the letter corresponding to S ḑa, ḑha, and dha, called da madu.
dabdab intrans be slow, be late.
ḑabḑab 1 intrans (ņḑabḑab trans) arrange, regulate, put in order; lay the table.
ḑabḑab-an n arrangement, regulating.
ḑabḑabang imp slow down; pass be arranged, regulated.
ḑabḑab 2 n a species of tree.
dacin 1 L adj greedy for money, avaricious (hetet R); intrans deny oneself necessary things out of avarice.
dacin 2 intrans (nacin trans) weigh.
ḑacin n scales, balance (=panimbangan).
dada 1 H n chest, breast (tangkah L).
dada 2 L conj perhaps, it may be (=hadahada).
ḑaḑa K n means, way; adj permanent, not changing.
da-dadang-an n merchandise, goods for sale.
dadah 1 adj half ripe, half cooked.
dadah 2 intrans (nadah trans) cook, heat.
dadahang pass be cooked for, be caused to be cooked.
dadahin pass be heated, baked.
ḑaḑaharan R n food (hamahhamahhan L) (=ḑaḑaran).
da-dahat-an n rain beneficial to growing things.
dadak C (=kancit) adv suddenly, unexpectedly; intrans (ndadak trans) happen, happen suddenly, without preparation.
dadak-an n a thing done in a short time;
harja dadakan an abbreviated performance of a drama.
da-dakit-an n close proximity, being very near.
dadal 1 n cause, induction.
dadal-an n cause, source of action, basis, foundation.
kénkén dadalanné? how comes it? dadal 2 intrans make sweets, cakes.
da-dalet-an n the result of a blow.
da-dalih-an n opinion (expressed or thought), accusation.
da-dalit-an n being glued; being tightly closed or joined.
dadalu (=dedalu) n a flying white ant.
da-damek-an n fertilizer, manure.
ḑa-ḑampar n a bench without a backrest.
da-damping n one who is beside one, a neighbor.
dadang intrans (ndadang trans) hold near or over a fire (for cooking or drying), grill, scorch.
dadangin pass be scorched or grilled by someone.
dadanga n the threshold of a door.
ḑaḑap n a long narrow shield, used in war dances.
da-dapak n hatchet, little axe; n a kind of sea fish.
da-dapes-an n the result of squeezing, clamping.
dadar 1 n fritter, pancake; intrans (ndadar trans) cook in a flat shape.
taluh dadar n a fried egg.
dadar 2 intrans (ndadar trans) test (gem-stones).
dadar-an n touchstone (=batu dadar).
ḑaḑaran L n food (contr of ḑaḑaharan).
ḑaḑahar intrans rise (the moon).
da-ḑawuh-an n summons, call, command.
da-deket-an n being stuck together, cohesion.
da-deleg n a species of river fish.
da-demen-an L n liking, pleasure (senengan H).
dadéndadén intrans be an imitation; macan dadéndadén an imitation tiger.