n a species of fruit.
cremi n mirror (meka L, cerma R).
crénggah intrans have many branches (=curénggah, curénggéh).
crengik intrans make a mournful sound ngik (=cengik).
crérétin pass have liquid sugar poured on it (see hacrérétan).
crétcét intrans (nyrétcét trans) spill out, scatter, run over (liquid from a bowl) (=crécét).
créwét intrans be hard to please, be fussy.
crigcig intrans walk alone in haste without looking about (=cligcig).
crik n child; adj little, young (=cerik).
criret intrans (nyriret trans) shrink.
criring intrans be alert, very cautious; be miserly, closefisted.
crobo adj improper, awkward, cruel.
crocot intrans make the sound of a pig eating (=crotcot).
crokcok intrans (nyrokcok trans) fall in drops everywhere.
croring n grief, sorrow.
crorot n a sort of sweet wrapped in coils of coconut leaves.
crotcot intrans make the sound of a pig eating (=crocot).
crucuh intrans like to use foul language (=cruhcuh).
crucut intrans walk alone, not looking about (=crutcut).
cruhcuh intrans like using foul language (=crucuh).
crukcuk n song-thrush.
crungcung intrans cut the tips off (=cruncung).
crutcut intrans (nyrutcut trans) walk alone not looking about (=crucut).
cruwét intrans make the sound of a monkey or a bird (=cuwét).
cruwi, cruwing adj mean, closefisted.
cruwit intrans sound like a hungry piglet.
cub (=hecub) intrans stop for a moment (usually macub intrans).
cubang n a pit to collect rainwater.
cubék n pan for boiling rice; stone cooking pot (=cobék).
cublak intrans be uneven (in growth, etc.) (=coblak).
cublik n a small lamp.
cucu L n grandchild (putu R).
cucunné her grandchild.
cucud L intrans (nyucud trans) ask persistently, often (sesed H).
cucuh intrans spit, spew; cast out; say what comes into one’s head (=cucur).
cucuk 1 n the beak of a bird; the foremost point of sth; vanguard; intrans (nyucuk trans) peck, skewer with the beak; be foremost; be next in rank to the king (=cukcuk).
cucuk-an n the peak of a man’s headcloth; n one who receives orders directly from the king.
cucuk garuda n eagle’s beak.
cucuk kondé n a hairpin securing a coil.
cucuk nyonyo n nipple of a breast.
cucuk 2 intrans (nyucuk trans) cauterize a wound (=cukcuk).
cucul adj swollen (macucul intrans).
cucur 1 n a species of bird.
cucur 2 intrans spit, spew (=cucuh).
cucutan n a large water insect, whose larvae are grubs.
cugetan hati intrans be offended at the least thing.
cuh intrans make the sound of spitting.
cuk n (abbr of cukén) customs duty, toll tax.
cuka n vinegar (nyuka trans H).
cuka Bali native vinegar.
cuka Belanda European vinegar.
cuka tahun vinegar that has been kept for years.
cukat intrans be venturesome, bold in climbing; impudent.
ka-cukat-an n boldness.
cukcuk 1 n beak; front point of sth; vanguard, adj first, foremost; intrans (nyukcuk trans) pick up with the beak; poke repeatedly, peck at.
cukcuka pass be poked repeatedly.
cukcukin pass be pierced, skewered.
cukcuk 2 intrans (nyukcuk trans) cauterize (a wound) (=cucuk).
cukén n customs duty, toll, tax (nyukénin trans).
cukénin pass be collected from (tax, toll).
cuki n a game like draughts.
cukit n a small sharp stick of bamboo on which offerings are stuck; fork; intrans (nyukit trans) prick, scratch with a point; vaccinate.
cukit-an n vaccination.
juru cukit n vaccinator.
cukli n a species of shellfish.
cukong n financier.
cukup 1 (Jav) intrans be complete, be enough (jangkep H, genap L) (nyukup trans).
cukupang pass be made enough, be fulfilled, completed.
cukup 2 intrans (nyukup trans) close (an umbrella, a book).
cukur intrans (nyukur trans) shave (the beard) (gunting L).
cukur-an n being shaved.
cukurin pass be shaved by someone, have one’s hair cut.
cula H intrans (nyula trans) castrate (teres, teles L).
culaléng adj shiny (a bald head).
culayan H n a castrated animal.
culig adj envious, disturbing, false.
ka-culig-an n envy.
culik intrans (nyulik trans) remove sth foul with a stick (=colék); feel one’s way, grope; break off a small piece.
culikculik n a species of crow.
culing n the stone bowl of an opium pipe.
culuk intrans (EBali) desire greatly; hiya culuk kenehné tekén hi luh he has great-desire (in) his mind for hi Luh.
culung n pig (=céléng).
becica culung n a species of magpie.
culungculung n a species of thrush.
culup intrans concentrate one’s thought.
cumadang 1 pass perfected (=cadang + -um-).
cumadang 2 L intrans prepare, make ready (=cumawis H).
cumakup intrans hold the hands together flat, when approaching a king or the gods (=cakup +infix -um-).
cumang 1 n a kind of carving.
cumang kirang n orchestral instruments used in processions.
cumang 2 n a species of insect.
cumawis H pass be prepared, be made ready (=cawis +infix -um-) (cumadang L).
cumbana intrans have sexual intercourse.
cumpu intrans (nyumpu trans) complete, satisfy; adj enough, satisfying, completing.
cundang n a blaze, a white spot on the forehead of a horse or cow.
cuņḑang K intrans be damaged, be hurt, be at a disadvantage.
cundik (SWBali) n a small casting-net for fish.
cuņḑuk H intrans come face to face with, meet (macunduk intrans) (tepuk L); put on the head.
cuntaka C intrans be ceremonially unclean; be under a curse (sebel L); n curse.
cuntil intrans ascend,