dasar n the primary temple of a village.
daśawara n the ten-day week (paņḑita, pati, suka, duka, śri, manuh, manuşa, éraja, déwa, raksasa).
daśawarşa n a ten-year period, decade.
dasdas intrans (nasdas trans) sever, break off,
dasdasin pass be completely severed.
dasi K n tooth (gigi L) (nasinin trans)
dasinin pass be given teeth.
dasih n a species of bird.
ḑaşţar R n a man’s head cloth.
data adj flat, level; all; intrans (nata trans) level, be level.
datahang pass be made completely level, be treated all alike; datahanga nekahang ‘(they) were-levelled-by-him (he) caused (them) to come’ =he had all of them brought (to him).
datadata adj various; datadata takonanga ‘various (things) were-asked-about-by-him’ =he asked about various things.
kena datadata be hurt by black arts.
datan K adv not (=ndatan) (tusing L).
datdat adj well-dressed (=détdét).
datdatdetdet intrans have been well-dressed for a long time.
ḑateng (Jav) C intrans come, arrive (teka L, rawuh H).
ḑateng-an R n guest (tamyu L); the name of an offering.
daţu (Jav) n king, chief (an archaic form of ratu).
pancadaţu n the five metals used in the foundation of a sacred building: gold, silver, tin, iron, copper.
tridaţu n the three-colored brahman thread (red, white, black).
dawa L adj long, extended, lasting a long time, exhaustive (place and time) (panjang H) (nawanang trans); ka dawa along its length (not across).
dawan-an L n length.
dawanang pass be lengthened, be long, long drawn.
dawang n time; tense (in grammar): dawang cawis present tense, dawang dering future tense, dawang liwat past tense.
dawangdawang n a sort of puppet-play.
daweg 1 H adv, conj meanwhile, while, when, since (duk, dugas, hugas L).
saking daweg H conj since.
daweg 2 H adj excessive, more than is good or proper; adv very, extremely.
daweg 3 C intrans (naweg trans) be bold, venture (used to introduce a suggestion to a superior).
dawegang pass be ventured on.
nawegang (I) am so bold as to…
dawet n a syrup of rice or sago and sugar; ink.
dawuh (=dahuh) n hour; dawuh lima the fifth hour (of the night, the darkest).
ḑawuh intrans (ndawuh trans) call, summon, command.
da-ḑawuh-an n summons, command, calling.
ḑawuhin pass be called, summoned.
ḑawuk adj grey; jaran ḑawuk a white horse.
ḑawuk wuyung adj grey on a black ground.
ḑawut K intrans (ndawut trans) take, take away (juwang L).
ḑinawut K pass be taken, be taken away, be taken up (kajwang L).
daya L n thought, intention, plan; common sense (budi H); intrans (naya trans) intend, think, plan; cheat, trick; plan to cheat, trick, tease someone.
daya hupaya n a cunning plan, a clever trick.
dayanang pass be cheated, tricked.
dayanin pass be exclaimed, interjected.
dayanné their thoughts.
dayu n abbr of hida hayu a brahmana woman.
dayuh n coolness, cool part of the day; shade, shadow; adj cool (teduh H); L intrans (ndayuh trans) die down (heat, wind), stop (rain), be calm; be cool.
dayuhin pass be cooled, be allowed to gather dew.
dayung n oar; intrans (nayung trans) row.
dayungang pass be rowed for, be caused to row; imp row (out from the shore).
de (=heda) a spelling-pronunciation of da ‘do not.’
dé 1 K do, work (found in words like hangdé, ngangdé, pangdé).
dé 2 n an old title for men of substance of the śudra caste (=hi).
dé 3 n abbr of Madé, Gedé (personal names).
debel intrans (nebel trans) double, fold into two (D dubbel).
debelin pass be doubled.
dedani n a species of climbing plant.
dedara n masc a spirit of the air, demi-god (usually bagus dedara).
dedari n fem nymph, female spirit, fairy.
dédé intrans have evil plans, think up evil against someone (=dudu).
dedeg intrans (nedeg trans) be quiet, settle down (esp solids in liquid) (=degdeg).
dedeh 1 intrans (nedeh trans) lead (animals, accompany).
dedehang pass be led for someone, be caused to be led.
dedeh 2 intrans (nedeh trans) parry with the hand, ward off (a blow).
dedeh 3 adj cloudy (sky).
dedek 1 intrans (nedek trans) grind to powder, stamp small, tear to shreds, wear out.
dedek 2 n bran, chaff; stuff (=dekdek).
dedel 1 n peg; pin (nedel trans).
dedel 2 intrans (nedel trans) notch, make an incision.
dédél 1 intrans (nédél trans) press down; press sth till it becomes thin and flat (=déldél).
dedelang pass be pressed down.
dédél 2 intrans be in layers, be in terraces (=déldél).
dedeleg n the upper storey of a house.
dedeling n the shape of the eye of a raksasa in wayang.
jalma dedeling n spy; officer; executioner (=matämata).
deḑeng intrans meet at a point.
dedes 1 intrans (nedes trans) sound someone out, throw out a feeler, fish (for information), press someone for information.
dedes takonin pass be asked pressing questions.
dedes 2 intrans hit repeatedly.
dedes 3 intrans (nedes trans) put pap on a breast to feed a baby when the breast is dry.
dédés n oil, ointment, musk.
dedet adj pitch black (sky, color); selem dedet black as night.
deg interj (abbr of gredeg, imitating the sound of many feet).
dég intrans make the sound of a heavy blow.
degag adj proud, scornful, insolent (e.g. wilful use of L language to superior persons, or address an elder brother by name, without bli); n scorn, pride, disrespect; intrans have a lot to say, talk big.
degagdegag intrans sell with boasting; brag.
degdeg adj quiet, calm, restful; intrans (negdeg trans) settle (solids in a liquid) (=dedeg).
degdeg-an n sediment; settling.
degdegang pass allow to settle (=dlegdeg).
degeng H intrans feel at home, be attached to a place (heneh L).
déh imp hand it over! give it here! (not polite) (=hedeh).