Mª Ángeles Carretero Casar

The Sacred Nature of the Human Being

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step; that way we would know what we need to do at every moment… and it would be much easier.

      But no! There isn’t an instruction book or manual that would be enough, nor is there a magic wand. There is a manual for every person, which every one of us writes; all human beings must write their own story, with our experiences and adventures; if we are courageous and we make the effort to take just a few minutes per day to listen to our inner voice and follow it, we will know what we need to do.

      These questions, where am I going?, what do I need to do?, I’ve asked these questions to myself very often and little by little the steps have led me to my destiny.

      Sometimes we have the impression that we are running nowhere, we do not know where we are running to because we don’t have any goal. We always project ourselves into tomorrow and we forget about the now, the present, which is the only real thing we have, tomorrow does not exist, there will always be a present; in our efforts to project ourselves into a non-existent future, we lose our current life, our goals, and our energies. We can only live in the Now, the PRESENT, if we want to live fully.

      We never stop running; at work we try to do everything and do it well in order to find worth and be recognized; even so we forget about things and we make mistakes, we are human, and this stresses us because we want to be the best and we don’t want to lose our job; we run around at home, we cook, we eat, we quickly clean… our life is a never-ending race; we don’t have time to enjoy ourselves or others; the vast majority of the time we miss many opportunities and marvelous things; we don’t see the beauty that surrounds us. If we cannot live in order to enjoy ourselves, what sense does it make to RUN AROUND AIMLESSLY?

      Sometimes, we are aware that this is not living, we are only running without knowing where we are going, constantly fleeing life. We are afraid of stopping and seeing reality, because most people do not like reality, so they run in order to not reflect.

      I have spent many years searching for answers to my many questions in serenity, in the silence of nature, and in meditation, which has allowed me to connect with my Being and thus be able to see the reality of situations and not fictitious or illusionary situations that are fed to me by my tiny mind, and little by little, with discipline and perseverance, the answers came to me.

      I understood that FEAR is the key as to why we are constantly fleeing. It is the prevailing emotion; we are fleeing from ourselves, from the solitude impose by others and by ourselves, from suffering, from joy that maybe we do not deserve, we run from others and all of it because of FEAR; fear of seeing who I have become, fear of recognizing that I’ve thrown the towel in and stopped fighting for my dreams, fear of seeing that I have stopped existing and am now a shadow wandering aimlessly. Fear is a very powerful emotion, it paralyzes us and prevents us from seeing the reality of things. Fear is a black beast that grows within us, and we must take it out if we want to LIVE and not be in a vegetative state.

      Another point to take into account on this endless path is that WE ARE NOT CONSCIOUS of what we are doing, we do not even talk or think, of course, about how we act. We must transform aggression into sweetness, fear into courage and strength, doubts into will and effort in order to be able to LIVE in harmony and balance. Our words must be positive, our intention honest and sincere, our actions suitable in order to start channeling our life and choose the path that we want to follow; many times we make mistakes, but what is important is that we be conscious of the mistake, rectify it, learn, and move forward.

      We are so accustomed to running around aimlessly that being lost seems normal to us. The act of stopping ourselves and finding ourselves is scary to us, because we do not know ourselves and we don’t know what to say to ourselves; we are strangers to ourselves, we do not know who we are nor what we want. We are accustomed to do what we are told to do, to not question ourselves or our own lives, what do I really want within the depths of my soul?, what is my dream?, does what they taught me really make sense in my life?, are these concepts and ideas wrong or obsolete? It seems like we are robots without a soul, just following orders given to us; we follow what we are told and life passes us by without us knowing anything, not even that we exist.

      All human beings seek out HAPPINESS, we crave it but we do not fight to find it. Before continuing to run aimlessly and continuing to fill ourselves with frustration, resentment, anguish, disappointment… we should stop, reflect, see where we are, and where we are heading. We feel tired and exhausted, we can’t go on, we have changed course so many times but we always end up in the same situation, adrift, sometimes with different protagonists, but with the same frustration, disappointment, resentment…

      We should STOP ALREADY and ask ourselves the following questions: where am I going?, where do I want to go? We know that without objectives we cannot create anything, a ship without a course is at the mercy of the winds and it ends up sinking.

      Starting by asking ourselves where we are going is the first step on the journey with infinite miles that we are going to start out on in order to reach our goal, our destiny.

      We become aware that FEAR is the prevailing emotion that paralyzes us, feeds our frustration, resentment, fury, vulnerability, lack of confidence, and aggression. This fear blocks us in a way that we cannot move without breathing, we become petrified without knowing what to do or what to say and when we get back what little strength we have, we flee.

      Fear is a black, ravenous beast that lives and grows inside of us; we cannot attack the beast without being injured, since it controls our ability to react, but if we can combat it and weaken it with strength, courage, willpower… As we are developing these abilities, we start to transform fear and its consequences: resentment, frustration, lack of confidence, vulnerability…

      You don’t need to be afraid of fear. Fear is combated by facing it and you must take into account that it is only an emotion and that it can be transformed.

      Our life is subjected to a lot of pressure, apart from our everyday problems, we see that everything around us collapses, that governments lie and are corrupt, that society in all its areas was built based on lies and manipulation; clearly all of these situations affect us directly and make us feel more vulnerable, deceived, and disappointed.

      We have to create a new life according to our new way of thinking, of feeling; we cannot continue to be victims of ourselves or others, we all have baggage and everyone must carry their own, we cannot carry other people’s baggage.

      The first step is to decide to find oneself and become our own best friend, discover ourselves and know who we are, asking ourselves: what do I want and desire?, what is my dream?, why am I living a life that I do not like?, why do I allow them to continue manipulating me?...

      Once we have made the decision that we want to change, all of our bodies (physical, emotional, mental, and spiritual), become prepared to accept this magical movement, which is transformation. Sometimes we are confronted by doubts, and a lack of confidence will make us vulnerable; fear paralyzes us; but our desire to change will be greater and we will be capable and ready to conquer these mental attacks.

      In order to counteract these mental attacks, we must have courage, strength, bravery, determination, and confidence; we must be aware of false scenarios that our tiny mind feeds to us, but as the answers come to us, our life will begin to change, we will stop being strangers to ourselves and the stage of our own play will change along with us, since we stop being the old person and become a new person, from being victims into victors. We cannot change and yet continue to be the same person.

      The best tool that we have is Meditation. Meditation helps us to look within ourselves, focus and hone in on our Being; it helps us to learn to breathe and to feel physically, emotionally, and mentally good, to make the mind silent, eliminating unnecessary sound, these thoughts in continuous reaction that gnaw at us, in order to be able to listen to our true voice and finally find our true Self.

      By doing meditation, we will very soon start to feel better. It is also important to do an activity that we like in the open air, walking or running by the sea, in the mountains, in the park…, in some quiet place; if you can, avoid external noise, as noise causes stress. If we make this effort through our body, it will start to feel and be thankful for “the gift”