Mª Ángeles Carretero Casar

The Sacred Nature of the Human Being

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decide and choose where we want to be; there is so much love in this process and so much respect that it’s hard to believe. Many people feel dissatisfaction and they move from one physical love to the next, without stopping to think that before loving someone we must love ourselves. How can we give something that we do not have?

      Love helps us to LIVE, to fight, to see things and situations from a higher perspective, and to advance through this labyrinth of life that we have created.

      True love is that of the Spirit, which is why it is vital that the nourishment we give to our soul be pure: honesty, integrity, serenity, discernment, respect, wisdom, peace, light, and truth.

      The world is made up of living beings in which MAN and WOMAN are a highest expression of pure love; we must find the strength to go back to our roots and discover true love.

      It is magical to feel LOVE and LOVE simply for the sake of loving. Love is the most powerful force and it can do anything, even save us from ourselves, give us clarity, give us security, make us feel special, and make us feel loved; but we must discover it in ourselves and it is this detail that gives us wings to fly, each time going higher and higher.

      To LOVE without possessing, you must love with your heart and body, feel it in every cell of your being.

      Love is the force that moves us and helps us to be who we really are, to achieve our dreams… If we look for love and not possession (in the sense of property), a large part of our problems will disappear, since love gives wings to creativity, gives us strength to face problems from another perspective, our thoughts are positive, our emotions clearer, and in this way we change our attitude towards life, making it lighter and happier.

      In order to be able to feel love, we must start to get to know ourselves, thus developing empathy which will help us to get to know others, in a clear action to continue to move forward and not the continuous reaction of a power relationship.

      Love is free, it cannot be closed up in a book or in a building, it knows nothing of chains or colors; to love is to give wings to another human being so that they can keep flying, and find themselves; love is fearless, love does not know lies or manipulation.

      All of nature is created by LOVE. The lack of love, hatred, is responsible for pain, anguish, chaos, and suffering; it is all part of life, but a life without love is to live in death.

      Human beings are beings created from Love and wisdom, and we must fight so that nobody can take away this right to joy, happiness, serenity, and peace. If we observe nature, we can see that within it, all kinds of flora and fauna exist, and everything has its place; we must fight to allow all human beings to live in our space, respecting ourselves, not killing each other due to hate, for power, or due to beliefs; this is all a lack of love and respect, and we must change it. On the planet there is room for everything, respecting the color and creed of everyone.

      Love brings out the best in every one of us; it makes us compassionate; it makes us share and fight for our dreams; it makes us smile and it makes us cry; it makes us FEEL and be alive. There are infinite kinds of love, but there is just one common denominator and it is love for the sake of loving.

      Pure love is a love that comes from the inside and makes us respect ourselves and others; it inspires us to fight for what we really want and believe.

      Love is infinite and free, without borders, it cannot be kept in a book, nor a building nor can it be relegated to a country or creed, to a race or a color; love is creation, it created the universe, the planet, nature, living beings, and the human being; we must love and fight to enjoy love.

      “Love, will, desire, and passion to achieve your dreams are the wings of the Spirit of great deeds.”

      True love in a couple is something we all seek and few people find; it is the recognition of the shared soul between two beings. When two beings recognize each other, nothing more is needed, everything is in its place and they are prepared to take the journey together wherever the wind may take them.

      Love of the Spirit is not proud.

      It knows nothing of wars or beliefs, cults or colors.

      Love is a light feeling that gives me wings

      to fly high in the company of other souls.

      Love survives through any situation, it is free and infinite.

      Love creates balance, harmony, and beauty.

      Love is truth and light.

      Love is YOU.

      If we feel Love in the depths of our soul, we can share it with nature and humanity; through our thoughts and our hearts, we can reach any corner of the Planet; there is no space without time, everything is in the NOW.

      The objective of all human beings is to lift up the veil of forgetfulness to find and see the Being that we all carry inside of us and to be able to live a full life. We will only find happiness if we are in peace, harmony, and balance with ourselves. On the contrary, if we feel fear, concern, doubt; if our life is in conflict, there is something we must fix. This is a good barometer to center ourselves and check up on our life.

      Often we are in “waiting”. We don’t obtain answers when we ask for something, we don’t do what we want to do, we don’t find our ideal partner… we are in such a hurry that we think that everything must be done immediately, but this “waiting” is what gives us experiences and wisdom; in this “waiting”, we must fight so that our thoughts, words, and actions are correct, we are in a phase of learning. Out of all of these situations, we can come out as the conquerors or the conquered, depending on our decisions and choices. If we work for the greater good we will be conquerors; if we stay in our small story, we will be conquered, although we don’t think so at the beginning. While we “wait”, we must observe ourselves, observe and fight to achieve our goal and thus celebrate wisdom.

      The more we become free from exterior and interior manifestations, the closer we will be to our Being, our Spirit, Love, and Peace.


      “The man in the street must become a man of the universe.”

      “Words in the absence of action or wisdom are empty and hollow.”

      “There are true words, false words, and words that hurt. ”

      “The arrow and the word once shot cannot go back.”

      “Books, paths, and days lead man to experience and wisdom.”

      “A word that comes from the heart and is aimed at the heart of another has a marvelous effect, since the listener will understand, absorb, and feel their truth; the message will be without any manipulation or lies, only a message from heart to heart.”

      Since time immemorial, the word, both spoken and written, has been considered sacred. The ancient natives from North America, as an example, attached a lot of importance to a promise, their honor depended on it; it wasn’t necessary to sign a paper to seal a deal, only their word was enough.

      Currently, human beings have lost their honor, respect, and basic values, so “promises” do not exist, it is merely noise. We have all heard “words that are carried away by the wind”; we humans seem to be marionettes going from one side to the other, we promise everything and fulfil nothing.

      We human beings have forgotten that with the strength of the word and thought, wars have been spared and many others waged. The vast majority of the time, we speak just to speak, unsubstantial dialogue without meaning, purely noise, and it is a shame since the word is a precious and very powerful tool. Using the spoken or written word, we express our thoughts,