Mª Ángeles Carretero Casar

The Sacred Nature of the Human Being

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express what we want and what we don’t want. We must become aware of the power of our thoughts and transmit them using our words.

      The word is a very powerful energy that makes our thoughts into a reality by verbalizing it or writing it down; we must be respectful with our words and our thoughts since they are arrows that have been shot, and once they were shot they cannot go back nor can they be erased. We can make others happy or even do them harm. Aggression starts with our thoughts and words.

      We must learn to let it flow, to accept the situations that come into our lives day after day, to not put up walls or close doors, only walk and be aware of our behavior, trying to do the right thing and changing our attitude to a more positive one.

      Promises made must be fulfilled or undone. Words are powerful energies that project a load of positive or negative energy; before speaking, we must observe, be honest, and be vigilant with our thoughts, and reflect if we are capable or not capable of complying with what we have said.

      As we walk and learn the lessons of life, we accept that things happen, we become calm, and our life becomes lighter since our thoughts, words, and attitudes become sweeter. A promise made with love, even if to scold or get someone’s attention, has a greater effect than a word said aggressively; the aggression that we feel inside is shot like a poisoned arrow through our words causing a lot of unneeded pain. The effect of the former will be one of reflection to what one has said and the effect of the latter will be fear. When we feel fear, we cannot reflect or think correctly, we are paralyzed. Often it is pride that is speaking.

      Before shooting words full of resentment, disappointment, frustration, fury, or anger, we must stop, be calm, breathe, breathe… and feel that emotion, look inside ourselves and understand that it is useless to cause pain; we won’t feel better after shooting insults. Then, when we are calm, blame will come on the scene in order to mortify us, but you can’t go back and take back what was said.

      The word is what allows us to express our knowledge, wisdom, reflections, thoughts, investigations…, millions of people have expressed and continue to express their thoughts in books, workshops, at conferences… in order to share with others their ideas, feelings, discoveries, and views in any field and thus help humanity and themselves and to evolve and grow, making our lives better, so we can dance this never-ending dance that is LIFE, looking for solutions instead of creating problems.

      There is a lot of work to do, and if we help new generations by providing them with the necessary tools, such as letting their creativity take its course, their free expression, their decisions with respect towards themselves and others, lightening their load regarding traditions, creeds, ways of thinking…, these new generations will be able to create new areas of development in developed and undeveloped countries with new governments whose objective is to improve the way of life of its people, city, nation… in liberty, respect, and dignity, thus creating greater well-being for humanity and the planet.

      The written and spoken word is the most beautiful method that we humans have and it allows us to create the poetry of music, which is the most sublime way to express LOVE and touch the heart of all living beings on the planet; it also helps us to change attitudes, to relax, to grow, to accept other ways of thinking, and share a part of ourselves with others.

      With our thoughts, we create our life using the decisions we make and the decisions we don’t make, sometimes creating peace and harmony if our thoughts are balanced or suffering and chaos if they are not.

      Sometimes, while we read a book, a phrase moves us to the very core of our being, it makes us reflect and it teaches us, guides us to new thoughts and these thoughts to other more sublime thoughts; they are links that connect us to others, like a never-ending spiral. Thus, step-by-step, we learn how to go deeper into ourselves and develop empathy in knowing ourselves and others better.

      “The essential thing about a man is WHAT HE THINKS and HOW HE THINKS, and not what he does or suffers through.”


      “If our words are not in line with our behavior, if they are not full of wisdom and are not in one’s actions, they will be empty and will say nothing, the message will not pass on and they will be lost in oblivion.”


      How difficult it is to feel and ask for FORGIVENESS with one’s heart. Our pride, ego, fury, frustration, and vulnerability keeps us prisoners in this dark well of ignorance and how much we suffer, but when FORGIVENESS emerges, we feel light, serene, and full of energy and love; we have learned that we must change our attitude to obtain peace.

      Forgiveness emerges from our inner strength; it arises when we face ourselves with our pride, ego, pain, hate, fury, and resentment, and we understand that it isn’t worth it to continue living in this dark well of resentment that drowns us more and more.

      We cannot forgive others if we haven’t first forgiven ourselves. When we feel how the painful sore opens up again and we once again feel that suffering, that pain that tears at our soul, when memories come to the surface time and time again, we start to ask ourselves, why does this story, this same scenario but with different actors, keep repeating?, why do I go from one relationship to the next?, why?, why? Until we understand and accept that we are responsible for the circumstances of our life and from that precious moment on, the energy, the feeling of FORGIVENESS, begins to emerge; this change in attitude makes us feel compassion towards other people and guilt towards ourselves for having these harsh feelings: hate, fury, jealousy, frustration, and for having created pain in others and ourselves freely.

      Forgiveness is born from the TRUTH. When we are capable of taking off our mask and seeing “the truth”, observing what has truly happened, without any frills, when we bear our goal to ourselves, we are ready to forgive.

      With FORGIVENESS, compassion also surfaces; compassion teaches us to change our attitude, to be focused on action and not on reaction, to not use physical or mental violence. AHIMSA, the movement of non-violence, teaches us to be in the NOW, and this attitude and way of life makes us aware that it is better to live a light, calm life, to fight to obtain peace, to communicate and share with others, from heart to heart.

      It isn’t enough to say “I’m sorry” or “I apologize”; these words, if they are not filled with wisdom, are hollow and get us nowhere. We cannot transform the feeling of “pain” that we carry inside of us if we really don’t feel forgiveness in our hearts.

      The power of FORGIVENESS needs a generous heart that is capable of slaying one’s ego in order to forgive both the past and the present. Only Forgiveness will alleviate the pain and will allow us to feel love and serenity. A joyous, light heart allows us to have a calm life, and a heart full of hatred makes us live a terrible existence full of resentment, pain, and aggression, since our heart feels the heaviness of these harsh feelings. That’s where we get the phrase “heart of stone”, with these feelings we would be zombies, more dead than alive.

      Let us forgive, forgive, forgive ourselves and others from the depths of our soul and live a calm and full life. Moving forward means forgiving.

      From Forgiveness, a new wisdom also emerges, everything falls into place like a finished puzzle; our new attitude helps us to better understand daily situations and we can make correct decisions since they are made with serenity.

      The TRUTH is the truth; no matter how we run, hide, or disguise ourselves, light will always emerge. FORGIVENESS, COMPASSION, AHIMSA, THE NOW, and BALANCE are important attitudes that we must all develop. It is a new way of life based on respect, loyalty, integrity, and honesty.

      “Balance between heaven and earth.

       Balance between the human being and the planet.”
