good physical, emotional, and mental health.
This practice allows us to discover how good we can feel; we start to be aware of our alliance with and commitment to ourselves; we discover many things in us that we were incapable of seeing, doing, or feeling before; a new energy is reborn with strength, courage, determination, and joy.
Often our tiny mind shakes, bringing so many small problems to our mind but our determination and strength will stop these unnecessary noises; now we are more patient and lucid. We have discovered that meditation is a marvelous and powerful tool; it is our encounter with our free SELF, which gives us the lucidity and strength necessary to face any situation. If the problem has an immediate solution, it is solved; if it does not and we have to wait, we wait. Now we have serenity and confidence, since we have changed our attitude and start to change our way of thinking.
As the days pass and we grow, we realize that we don’t feel like running anymore; we are sick and tired of so much running, crashing and falling, crying and getting hurt. Now we have learned to walk calmly and serenely, focused on ourselves and on new sensations; we are hopeful for our daily “encounter” with meditation to arrive, and this moment becomes more and more important in our daily lives.
We start to see that the decisions that we make are more correct and our confidence starts to grow, to be more palpable; we see our lives clearly and from a different perspective.
Little by little, we start to be aware of our reality and we want to change certain things. We start to be responsible for our own actions and obligations, and to be conscious of our rights.
Maybe we have to make drastic choices; for example, I don’t want to study this field because I don’t like that career really, it is just a projection of my parents; maybe, I want to change my home, my job, my friends, my significant other, my way of thinking, my attitude towards myself and towards others; to be more open, to be more receptive, to share more… there are an infinite amount of things that we could do and we have a responsibility to do them well, without hurting, without power relationships, without shame, without hate, without fury… these emotions are not useful, they are guided by pride and other fights between egos that only create hard feelings and negative sensations, which means they are the perfect and favorite nourishment of the black beast, FEAR.
To make correct decisions and be responsible for our actions, our behavior must be correct; that is to say, before making a decision, we have to be conscious of what we truly feel and evaluate the damage that we could do, both to ourselves and to others, and to not go into this battle of titans of conquering or coming out on top.
One of the best options in making the correct decisions and understanding someone else’s behavior is to back up and look at it from a distance; observe and, while being honest with ourselves, search for the best solution to each situation for everyone involved.
It is daily task that you do step by step, it is not something you do from one day to the next, and our new attitude and way of thinking will find the best solution for everyone in all circumstances and situations; it is a marvelous adventure.
Throughout our lives, we often find ourselves at a “fork in the road”, and we don’t know what direction to take. At this crucial moment, since we have to make a decision: where do I want to go and what path should I choose; but before we must know where we are heading towards.
In order to live a full, serene life, we must be responsible and we must learn to make decisions. For example, if we make the decision to live alone, this solitude will be rich, happy, and precious; on the other hand, if we decide to live with others and we have problems with our significant other but we don’t have the courage to make the decision to change, we will be isolated and there is no greater solitude than solitude with company, and this solitude will be empty, painful, and frustrating. Our decisions with their consequences will accompany us for our entire lives. We must be honest when we make these decisions and always think about what is best for everyone.
We must have a positive attitude with ourselves and with others, as well as correct behavior. Our experiences, our adventures, belong to us and we are the only leading roles; it doesn’t matter if others do or do not agree with our decisions, accepting the differences in ourselves and in others is synonymous with strength, and not doing so is weakness, and weakness always entails problems.
The most important thing is to persevere on our path, in our decision; sometimes, it is difficult since we are going against the current, but as we progress and change, the situations will be easier and our life will be more calm.
Feeling physically and mentally well is to not be ill. Health is a treasure that that we do not value until we have lost it; we only have one body and if we do not take care of it and nurture it, it shuts down, gets sick, and dies. We do not have a replacement body, once dead, we stay dead.
The body must be taken care of always, starting from our tender infancy. Eating healthy and doing exercise, hopefully in the open air; walking, running through delightful places, forests, parks, beaches, without noise, maybe trying to listen to the sounds of nature, because that way we will hear our inner sound… and we will develop our other senses.
Feeling good emotionally is “making peace” with ourselves, and this can be achieved by looking inside of ourselves and facing ourselves and our past and present. Indeed, there are fears, concerns, pain, fury, frustration, resentment, vulnerability… but if we have the courage to do it, little by little these emotions will lose their strength and become weaker, and our life will be happier and calmer.
Feeling mentally well means discovering and being aware of our ego and pride. These energies create chains of attachments and they make us believe that we are not what we really are and keep us enslaved in constant frustration and aggression.
Pride is so strong that it makes us believe that our good actions, our sacrifice and our devotion are real, but in reality is it pride disguised as goodness; it is false goodness that nourishes one’s ego: I am the best, the most intelligent, the most… the most, but in reality we are nothing.
Pride weaves a big spider web and keeps us trapped in it; if we are not vigilant, pride and the ego will control our lives. When this occurs, we do not know who we are, we become automatons, we are not ourselves, and we live life as a puppet of pride and ego; this is called surviving, although you may be the valuable millionaire or executive, you’ll never be happy.
Breaking these chains and recognizing the ego and pride, as well as being able to transform them, gives us freedom and the wings to take flight and be free.
In order to make an experience out of our lives, we must be conscious of the two aspects that present themselves to us in our dual life, the positive and the negative, as well as our cellular memory.
What is cellular memory? It is the memory of our experiences throughout our past lives that we have stored in our conscience; it is déjà vu; it is REMEMBERING that we are more than just a physical body.
RE-MEMBER (to join the members, to join the pieces), therefore MEMORY is to “REJOIN” all past experiences up until the present moment to learn from them and solve problems. Once our interior chaos is solved, we start to develop our being of Light.
As we work on ourselves, cellular memory becomes stripped from all the layers of forgetfulness of so many ups and downs we have taken with us throughout the centuries, and it becomes transformed. This cellular memory, which we discover through meditation, awakens courage in us to confront all fears, doubts, and concerns in any circumstance and situation, and it makes us RESPONSIBLE over our lives and nature. For example, when you are little you must obey, learn, study, help your parents…; you must try to live in the moment, living at 20 years old as a 20-year-old, at 30 years old as a 30-year-old, at 40 years old as a 40-year-old…; you cannot live as a 20-year-old when you are 40 years old; everything has its time and place. Our memories allow us to perceive what we need to do; we feel an enormous inner strength that we cannot ignore. Likewise, these cellular memories allow us to develop a SENSE OF HUMOR. We cannot live a serious, boring life, like it was a job we were forced to do; on the contrary, life must be lived as an adventure full of surprises and to