Николай Зюзгин

Ролевые игры. Английский язык

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was somewhere here, but we can’t find it.

      – Across the road, over there. There’s an underground passage there, that one, see?

      – Oh, yes, thank you very much. And we would like to know… Are there any bears there?

      – In the Zoo or in the passage?

      – In the Zoo, of course.

      – Yes, you’re lucky, there are. Even more than one. They have both Brown Bear and Polar Bear. As for the Brown one, it can be treated by something delicious. You know, visitors usually buy some cookies in the foodstuff shop, which is next to the underground passage. Tell the salesgirl that you want to buy something for the Bear, and she’ll give you his favorite cookies.

      – Turns out it’s a tamed bear?

      – Seems to be, yeah. Years ago, it worked in a Circus, used to ride a bike. Then it got too old to do all those tricks. But anyway be careful and don’t climb over the fence, you never know what might be on it’s mind. There’s also a tamed baby elephant there. You can actually patt his trunk and you can even get a ride on his back!

      – Thank you very much!

      – You’re welcome. Have a good time.

In American English:

      – Excuse me, could you tell us where the zoo is? We were told it's somewhere around here but we can’t seem to find it though.

      – Across the road, over there. There’s an underground passage there, that one, see?

      – Yes, thank you very much. And… Are there any bears there?

      – At the zoo or in the passage?

      – At the zoo, of course.

      – Yes, there are. There is a brown bear and even a polar one. As for the brown one, it can be treated with something delicious. Visitors usually buy cookies in that food stall over there close to the underground passage. Tell the salesgirl that the food is for the bear, and she’ll give you his favorite cookies.

      – Turns out that’s a tame bear?

      – Yes, it is. Years ago that bear had worked in a circus riding a bike and then got too old. But in any case, you shouldn't climb over the fence, since nobody knows what’s on its mind. There’s a tame elephant cub there also. That one can be patted on its trunk and ridden on.

      – Thank you very much!

      – Have a good time.

      Где здесь театр «Гарлем»?

      – Извините!

      – Слушаю вас.

      – Как пройти в театр «Гарлем»? Я тут совсем не ориентируюсь.

      – Это рядом, вон там, через площадь нужно перейти. Видите вон то здание?

      – Да, вижу.

      – Это и есть театр «Гарлем». Вам нужно в подземный переход. Вход вон там.

      – Спасибо!

      – Пожалуйста.

Слова и выражения:

      Извините – excuse me

      Слушаю вас – I am all ears

      Я здесь не ориентируюсь – I can’t focus on the area

      Перейти через площадь – cross the square

      Совершенно верно – quite right

      Подземный переход – underground passage

      Вон там – over there

In British English:

      – Excuse me!

      – I’m all ears.

      – How can I get to the Harlem Theatre? I’m not really familiar with this area.

      – It’s close at hand, over there, you’ll only have to cross that square. Oh, look, I’m speaking like a poet!

      – Yes!

      – Can you see that building?

      – Yes.

      – This is Harlem Theatre. You’ll have to go there through the Underground passage. The entrance is over there.

      – Thank you very much!

      – Not at all, you’re welcome.

In American English:

      – Excuse me!

      – Yes.

      – How can I get to the Harlem Theater, please? I can’t seem to find my bearings here.

      – It’s not too far, over there, you’ll just have to cross the square. Oh! It’s a poem! It seems that I am a bit of a poet.

      – Oh! Yes!

      – Do you see that building?

      – Yeah.

      – That’s the Harlem Theater. You’ll have to go through the underground passage to get there. The entrance is over there.

      – Thank you very much!

      – You’re welcome.

      Я ищу Художественную галерею

      – Извините! Кливлендская художественная галерея! Где это, не знаете? Мне сказали, где-то здесь.

      – Да, это недалеко. Вот по этой улице прямо три квартала, а потом направо метров двадцать.

      – Спасибо.

      – Пожалуйста. Там, правда, очередь большая сейчас, надо было вам пораньше приходить, часам к десяти.

Слова и выражения:

      Художественная галерея – Art Gallery

      Мне сказали… – I was told

      Где-то здесь – somewhere here

      Недалеко – not far

      Квартал – block

      Направо – to the right

      Раньше – earlier

      Очередь – queue (Br), line (Am)

In British English:

      – Excuse me! Cleveland Art Gallery! Do you know where that is? I was told it’s somewhere here.

      – Yes, that’s not far. Straight along this street two blocks and then on the right. It’ll take about twenty meters.

      – Thank you.

      – Not at all, you’re welcome. But there is a long queue there now… You should have come here earlier, I would say, by ten o’clock.

In American English:

      – Excuse me! Can you please tell me where the