Santo António (St Anthony) is very popular in Lisbon, and São João (St John) in Porto. A beautiful street parade takes place all over Lisbon, the festivities being seen as a competition between Lisbon’s bairros (neighbourhoods). You’ll find dancing, eating and drinking in the streets of various regions of the city (Bairro Alto, Alfama and Mouraria to name a few).
What is there to do in the evenings? | Que se pode fazer à noite? kuh suh pod fazehr a noyt? |
Where can I go clubbing? | Onde é que há discotecas? oñduh eh kuh a deeshkohtehkash? |
bar | o bar bar |
gay bar/club | o clube gay kloob gay |
gig | o concerto koñsehr-too |
music festival | o festival de música fushteevahl duh moozeekuh |
nightclub | o clube noturno kloob nohtoornoo |
party | a party partee |
pub | o pub pub |
Out and about
Where can I/we go…? | Onde se pode…? oñduh suh pod…? |
fishing | pescar pushkar |
walking | andar uñdar |
Are there any good beaches near here? | Há algumas praias boas aqui perto? a algoomush pry-ush boh-ush uh-kee pehrtoo? |
Is there a swimming pool? | Há piscina? a peesh-seenuh? |
Proibido nadar proee-beedoo nuh-dar | No swimming |
Proibido mergulhar proee-beedoo mehrgoolyar | No diving |
What’s on at the cinema? | Qual é o programa no cinema? kwal e oo proogruh-muh noo seenay-muh? |
What’s on at the theatre? | Qual é o programa de teatro? kwal e oo proogruh-muh duh tee-ah-troo? |
I’d like two tickets… | Queria dois bilhetes… kree-uh doysh beel-yetsh… |
for tonight | para esta noite paruh eshtuh noyt |
for tomorrow night | para amanhã à noite paruh amun-yañ a noyt |
adventure | o centro de | sehñtroo duh |
centre | aventuras | ahveñtoorush |
art gallery | a galeria de arte | galeh-ree-uh duh art |
boat hire | o aluguer de barcos | aloogehr duh barkoosh |
camping | o campismo | kuñpeesh-moo |
museum | o museu | moo-zay-oo |
piercing | o piercing | piercing |
tattoo | a tatuagem | tatoo-ahzhayñ |
theme park | o parque temático | park tehmahteekoo |
water park | o parque aquático | park akwahteekoo |
zoo | o jardim zoológico | zhardeeñ zoo-ohlozheekoo |
Are there any good concerts on? | Há algum bom concerto por aqui? a algoom boñ koñsehr-too poor uh-kee? |
Where can we hear some fado/folk music? | Onde podemos ouvir o fado/folclore? oñduh poodeh-moosh oh-veer oo fah-doo/folkloruh? |
folk | folk | fohlk |
hip-hop | hip-hop | eep-op |
pop | pop | pop |
reggae | reggae | rehge |
rock | rock | rok |
techno | techno | tehknoo |
o campo oo kumpoo | pitch/court |
empatar eñpuhtar | to draw a match |
ganhar gun-yar | to win |
Where can I/we…? | Onde se pode…? oñduh suh pod…? |
play tennis | jogar ténis zhoogar teneesh |
play golf | jogar golfe zhoogar golf |
go swimming | nadar nuh-dar |
see some football | ver futebol vehr footbol |
How much is it per hour? | Quanto é por hora? kwuñtoo e poor oruh? |
I want to try… | Gostava de experimentar… gooshtahvuh duh eyshpehreementar… |
I’ve never done this before | Nunca fiz isto noonkuh feezh eeshtoo |
Do they hire out…? | Alugam…? aloogowñ…? |
rackets | raquetes raketush |
golf clubs | tacos de golfe tah-koosh duh golf |
Where’s the best place to go fishing? | Qual é o melhor lugar para ir pescar? kwal e oo mel-yor loogar paruh eer peshkar? |
Do you have a guide to local walks? | Tem algum guia de caminhadas locais? tayñ algooñ ghee-uh duh kameen-yahdush lookysh? |
How many kilometres is the walk? | De quantos quilómetros é o passeio? duh kwuñtoosh keelometroosh e oo passayoo? |
cycling | ciclismo | seekleezhmoo |
dancing | ir dançar | eer dahnsar |
kayaking | fazer caiaque | fahzehr kayak |
rock climbing | o alpinismo | alpeeneezhmoo |
snowboarding | fazer snowboard | fahzehrsnowboard |
volleyball | o voleibol | volleyball |
water-skiing | o esqui aquático | ski akwahteekoo |
windsurfing | o windsurf | windsurf |
Telephone and mobile
The international code for Portugal is 00 351 plus the Portuguese number. For calls within Portugal, landline numbers have nine digits and there are no area codes.
atender uhteñder | to pick up |