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número veste/calça? kuh noomeroo veeshtuh/kahlsuh?What size/shoe size are you?

belto cintoseeñtoo
blousea blusabloozuh
brao soutiensoot-yañ
coato casacokazah-koo
dresso vestidoveshteedoo
hato chapéushapay-oo
hat (woollen)a boinaboynuh
jacketo blusãobloozowñ
knickersas cuecaskwekush
nightdressa camisa de dormirkuh-meezuh duh doormeer
pyjamaso pijamapeezhah-muh
sandalsas sandáliassuñdahl-yush
scarf (wool)o cachecolkashu-kol
shirta camisakuh-meezuh
shortsos calçõeskalsoyñsh
skirta saiasy-uh
slippersas chinelassheenelush
socksas peúgaspew-gush
suito fatofah-too
swimsuito fato de banhofah-too duh bun-yoo
tiea gravatagruh-vah-tuh
tightsos collantskolañsh
tracksuito fato de treinofah-too duh tray-noo
trousersas calçaskahlsush
t-shirta camisolakuhmeezoh-luh
underpantsas cuecaskwekush
Have you…?Tem…? tayñ…?
a map of (name town)um mapa de… ooñ mah-puh duh…
of the regionda região duh ruzh-yowñ
a guide bookalgum guia algooñ ghee-uh
a leafletalgum folheto algooñ fool-yetoo
in Englishem inglês ayñ eeñglaysh
Can you show me where … is on the map?Pode-me mostrar onde fica … no mapa? pod-muh moosh-trar oñduh feekuh … noo mah-puh?

      Most post offices are open from 9 a.m. to 6 p.m. Monday to Friday, but this varies from town to town. A few are open until 1 p.m. on Saturdays. Check times in small towns.

os correios oosh koorrayooshpost office
o marco do correio oo markoo doo koorrayoopostbox
os selos oosh selooshstamps

Is there a post office near here?Há algum correio aqui perto?a algooñ koorrayoo uh-kee pehrtoo?
I’d like stamps for … postcards to Great BritainQueria selos para … postais para a Grã-Bretanha kree-uh seloosh paruh … poosh-tysh prah grañ-bruh-tun-yuh
How much is it to send this parcel?Quanto custa mandar este embrulho? kwuñtoo kooshtuh muñdar aysht aym-brool-yoo?
first classpor correio azul poor koorrayoo azool

o cartão de memória kartowñ duh meh-mor-yuhmemory card
imprimir eempreemeerto print
a máquina fotográfica digital makeenuh fotograh-feekuh deezheetahldigital camera
o cigarro eletrónico see-gah-rroo eelehtroneekooe-cigarette

Can you repair…?Pode reparar…? pode ruh-parar…?
my screeno meu ecrã oo mayoo ehkrañ
my keypado meu teclado oo mayoo tehklahdoo
my lensa minha lente uh meen-ya lent
my chargero meu carregador oo mayoo kahrrehgahdor
I want to print my photosQuero imprimir as minhas fotos kayroo eempreemeer uhs meenyush fohtoosh
I have it on my USBEstá na minha pen shtuh nuh meenyah pen
I have it on my e-mailEstá no meu email shtuh noo mayoo email

      The tourist office is called Turismo. If you are looking for somewhere to stay, they should have details of hotels, campsites, etc.

Where is the tourist office?Onde é o turismo? duh e oo tooreezh-moo?
We’d like to go to…Gostariamos de ir a… gooshtuh-ree-uhmoosh duh eer uh…
Is it OK to take children?É permitido levar crianças? e permeetee-doo luh-var kree-uñsush?
Are there any excursions?Há algumas excursões? a algoomush shkoor-soyñsh?
How much does it cost to get in?Quanto custa a entrada? kwuñtoo kooshtuh uh ayntrah-duh?
Are there any reductions for…?Fazem descontos para…? fazayñ dushkoñtoosh paruh…?
childrencrianças kree-uñsush
studentsestudantes shtooduñtsh
unemployed peopledesempregados duh-zaympruh-gah-doosh
senior citizensterceira idade tersayruh eedahd
Can I visit … with a wheelchair?Posso visitar … com cadeira de rodas? possoo veezeetar … koñ kuh-day-ruh duh rodush?

      There are traditional festivities in June dedicated to