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you have a map of the metro?Tem um mapa do metro? tayñ ooñ mah-puh doo metroo?Do I have to change?Tenho que mudar? ten-yoo kuh moodar?Which line is it for…?Qual é a linha para…? kwal e uh leen-yuh paruh…?What is the next stop?Qual é a próxima paragem? kwal e uh prosseemuh puh-rah-zhayñ?

      There are two types of train ticket for all trains: conforto (1st class) and turística (2nd class). On longer trips, where it is advisable to book ahead (reservar lugares), you can book online. The Alfa Pendular is a fast, intercity train and the most expensive. The Intercidades is a fast, long-distance service, and the medium-distance Inter-Regional stops at all the main stations.

a estação uh shtuh-sowñstation
partidas parteedushdepartures
chegadas shuh-gah-dusharrivals
o bilhete online beel-yet onlinee-ticket
a reserva online ruhzehrvuh onlinee-booking

Where is the station?Onde é a estação? duh e uh shtuh-sowñ?
First/Second classPrimeira/Segunda classe preemayruh/segoonduh klass
I booked onlineFiz a reserva online feezh uh ruhzehrvuh online
I want to book a seat on the Alfa to AveiroQueria reservar um lugar no Alfa para Aveiro kree-uh ruh-zervar ooñ loogar noo ahlfuh paruh avayroo
When does it arrive in…?A que horas chega a…? uh kee orush sheh-guh uh…?
Do I have to change?Tenho que mudar? ten-yoo kuh moodar?
Where?Onde? duh?
Which platform does it leave from?De que plataforma parte? duh kuh platuhformuh part?
Is this the train for…?É este o comboio para…? e aysht oo koñboyoo paruh…?
Does the train stop at…?O comboio para em…? oo koñboyoo pah-ruh ayñ…?
Is this (seat) free?Está livre? shta leevruh?


       Quando é o próximo comboio para…?

      kwuñdoo e oo prosseemoo koñboyoo paruh…?

      When is the next train to…?

       Às 17.00

      ash dezuh-setuh orush

      At 5 p.m.

      Queria três bilhetes, por favor kree-uh traysh beel-yetsh poor fuh-vor I’d like three tickets, please

       Só de ida ou ida e volta?

      soh duh eeduh oh eeduh ee voltuh?

      Single or return?

       Ida e volta, por favor

      eeduh ee voltuh poor fuh-vor

      Return, please

      Taxis in Portugal have an illuminated taxi sign on top and are usually painted beige, but some older ones are still green and black. The driver’s ID and the meter should both be displayed inside the car. There is a fixed tariff starting at €3.25, but increasing to €3.90 after 9 p.m., at weekends, and during holidays. Within the city you can get a standard fare, but outside the city limits you’ll be charged per kilometre, and the driver is entitled to charge for the return fare. You’ll also pay a surcharge if you are travelling with luggage. To ask for a receipt, say Queria uma fatura, por favor. It’s a good idea to ask for this in advance, as you get in the car.

a praça de taxis uh prah-suh duh takseeshtaxi rank

Where can I/we get a taxi?Onde se pode arranjar um táxi? duh suh pod arruñzhar ooñ taksee?
How much will it cost by taxi…?Quanto custa ir de táxi…? kwuñtoo kooshtuh eer duh taksee…?
to the centreao centro ow señtroo
to the stationà estação a shtuh-sowñ
to the airportao aeroporto ow uh-ayroo-portoo
to this addressa esta morada uh eshtuh moorah-duh
Please take me to…Por favor leve-me a… poor fuh-vor lev-muh uh…
How much is it?Quanto é? kwuñtoo e?
Keep the changeGuarde o troco gward oo trokoo
Sorry, I don’t have any changeDesculpe, não tenho troco dushkoolp, nowñ ten-yoo trokoo
Is it far?É longe? e loñzh?

a travessia uh truh-vess-yuhcrossing
o cruzeiro oo kroozayroocruise
o camarote oo kumuh-rohtcabin

When is the next boat to…?Quando parte o próximo barco para…? kwuñdoo part oo prosseemoo barkoo paruh…?
Is there a car ferry to…?Há um ferry-boat para…? a ooñ ferry-boat paruh…?
How much is a … ticket?Quanto é o bilhete…? kwuñtoo e oo beel-yet…?
single/returnde ida/de ida e volta deeduh/deeduh ee voltuh
How much is the crossing for a car and … people?Quanto é a passagem para … pessoas e um carro? kwuñtoo e uh puh-sah-zhayñ paruh … puh-so-ush ee ooñ karroo?
How long is the journey?Quanto dura a viagem? kwuñto dooruh vee-ah-zhayñ?
Where does the boat leave from?De onde parte o barco? dee duh part oo barkoo?

      The major airports in Portugal are Lisboa (Aeroporto da Portela), Porto (Aeroporto Francisco Sá Carneiro) and Faro, in the Algarve (Aeroporto de Faro).

How do I get to the airport?Como