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name, please?

      On arrival at a hotel, the receptionist will ask for your passport to register your stay. This is an official requirement and should not be misinterpreted.

I booked a room…Reservei um quarto… ruh-zervay ooñ kwartoo…
in the name of…em nome de… ayñ nom duh…
I reserved the room(s) onlineReservei o(s) quarto(s) online ruh-zervay oo(sh) kwartoosh online
by phonepor telefone poor tuh-luh-fon
Is there a hotel restaurant or bar?O hotel tem restaurante ou bar? oo oh-tel tayñ rushtoh-ruñt o bar?
Where can I park the car?Onde posso estacionar o carro? duh possoo shtass-yoonar oo karroo?
Are there any toilets for disabled people?Há casas de banho especiais para deficientes? a kah-zush duh bun-yoo shpuh-ssee-ysh paruh duh-feess-yeñtsh?
What time is…?A que hora é…? uh kee oruh e…?
dinnero jantar oo zhuñtar
breakfasto pequeno-almoço oo puh-kaynoo almoh-soo
The key for room number…A chave do quarto número… uh shahv doo kwartoo noomeroo…
I’m leaving tomorrowVou-me embora amanhã voh-muh emboh-ruh amun-yañ
Where is the lift?Onde é o elevador? duh e oo eeluh-vuh-dor?
Have you places?Tem vagas? tayñ vah-gush?
How much is it per night…?Quanto é por noite…? kwuñtoo e poor noyt…?
for a tentpor tenda poor teñduh
per personpor pessoa poor puh-so-uh
Are showers included in the price?Os duches são incluídos no preço? oosh dooshush sowñ eeñ-klweedoosh noo pray-soo?
Is hot water/electricity included in the price?A água quente/electricidade está incluído no preço? uh ahg-wuh keñt/eeletree-seedahd shta eeñ-klweedoo noo pray-soo?
Can we park the caravan/trailer here?Podemos estacionar a caravana/roulotte aqui? poodeh-moosh shtass-yoonar uh karuh-vah-nuh/roolot uh-kee?

      If you arrive with no accommodation and want to go self-catering, look for signs saying Aluguer de Apartamentos (apartments for rent).

Who do we contact if there are problems?Quem podemos contactar em caso de problemas? kayñ poodeh-moosh koñtaktar ayñ kah-zoo duh proobleh-mush?
How does the heating work?Como funciona o aquecimento? koh-moo foonsyonuh oo akuh-seemayñtoo?
Is there always hot water?Há sempre água quente? a sayñpruh ahg-wuh keñt?
Where is the nearest supermarket?Onde é o supermercado mais perto? duh e oo sooper-merkah-doo mysh pehrtoo?
recyclinga reciclagem ruhseeklazhayñ

      Many shops still close for lunch between 1 and 3 p.m., but most now remain open throughout the day. Large department stores and food shops are generally open from 9 a.m. to 7 p.m., whereas shopping centres are open from 10 a.m. to 10 p.m.


       Que deseja?

      kuh dezayzhuh?

      Can I help you?

       Um/uma…, por favor

      ooñ/oomuh…, poor fuh-vor A …, please

       Mais alguma coisa?

      mysh algoomuh koy-zuh?

      Would you like anything else?

      Não, é tudo. Quanto é?

      nowñ, e toodoo. kwuñtoo e?

      No, that’s all. How much is it?

Where is…?Onde é…? duh e…?
Do you have…?Tem…? tayñ…?

saldo/descontos sahldoo/dushkoñtooshsale/reductions
liquidação leekeeduh-sowñclosing-down sale
hoje, aberto até às… ohzh, uh-behrtoo uh-te ush…open today until…

cake shoppastelariapushtuh-laree-uh
clothes (women’s)roupa de senhoraroh-puh duh sun-yoruh
clothes (men’s)roupa para homemroh-puh paruh omayñ
shoe shopsapatariasapuh-tuh-ree-uh
souvenir shopa loja de souvenirslozhuh de soovehneersh