butsurígaku n 物理, 物理学 physics
butsurigákú-sha n 物理学者 physicist
buttai n 物体 thing, matter, object, body, material body: buttai to ryūtai no sōgo sayō 物体と流体の 相互作用 fluid-solid interaction
buttobashimásu, buttobasu v [INFORMAL] ぶっ 飛ばします, ぶっ飛ばす beats up, burns up
buttōshi (de) adv [INFORMAL] ぶっ通し(で) without a break: buttōshi de hatarakimásu ぶ っ通しで働きます works without a break (= buttsuzuke (de) ぶっ続け(で))
buttsuke-honban (de) adv ぶっつけ本番(で) without rehearsal
buttsuzuke (de) adv [INFORMAL] ぶっ続け(で) without a break, continuously: buttsuzuke de utatte nodo ga itaidesu ぶっ続けで歌って喉 が痛いです The throat is paining after singing continuously. (= buttōshi ぶっ通し)
búzā n ブザー buzzer
byákudan n ビャクダン・白壇 sandalwood
byō´ n 秒 a second (of time)
byō´-yomi n 秒読み countdown
byō-shin n 秒針 second hand, second pointer
byō´… prefix 病… sickness, patients
byō-in n 病院 hospital; clinic, doctor’s office, health service: kyūkyū-byōin 救急病院 emergency hospital
byō-ki (no) adj 病気(の) sick, ill; sickness, illness: byōki-gachi (na) 病気がち(な) sickly, unhealthy
byō-nin n 病人 an invalid, a patient
byō-reki n 病歴 medical history
byō-shin n 病身 sick body: byōshin no haha 病身 の母 my invalid/sick mother
byō-tō n 病棟 hospital ward
byō´ n 鋲 a tack; a thumbtack (= gabyō 画鋲)
byōbu n 屏風 screen (folding)
byōdō (na) adj 平等(な) equal
byōsha n 描写 depiction, description: ~ shimásu 描写します describes: byōsha ga umai 描写が上 手い is good at describing
cha n 茶(o-chá お茶) tea, green tea
cha-bán-geki n 茶番劇 farce, burlesque
cha-bín n 茶瓶 teapot
cha-dái n 茶代 (o-chadái お茶代) 1. tea charges (in café, etc.) 2. tip (money)
cha-gará n 茶殻 tea leaves
cha-gashí n 茶菓子(o-chagashí お茶菓子) tea cake
cha-iro (no) adj 茶色(の) brown
cha-me n 茶目(o-cháme お茶目) mischievous, playful [IN POSITIVE SENSE], elfish: o-cháme na hito お茶目な人 kidder
cha-no-má n 茶の間(o-cha-no-má お茶の 間) (Japanese style) living room: o-cha-no-má de onajimi お茶の間でお馴染み familiar to TV viewers
cha-nomi-tómodachi n 茶飲み友達 coffee-drinking companion, crony
cha-sají n 茶匙 teaspoon
cha-wán n 茶碗(o-cháwan お茶碗) 1. rice bowl 2. tea cup (for tea ceremony)
cha-wán-mushi n 茶碗むし steamed egg hotchpotch in a teacup (made from broth and egg)
cha-zuké n 茶漬け(o-chazuké お茶漬け) a bowl of rice with hot tea and flavorings poured over it
…cha suffix … ちゃ = …-téwa … ては (doing/ being, if one does/be)
cháchi (na) adj [INFORMAL] ちゃち(な) petty, flimsy, cheap
chā´han n チャーハン・炒飯 (Chinese) fried rice
cháimu n チャイム chime
chairudo-shíito n チャイルドシート child seat
chājí n チャージ charge: ~ shimásu チャージし ます charges
chákku n チャック zipper
chakashimásu, chakasu v [INFORMAL] ちゃか します, ちゃかす turns…into a joke, mimes, sends up, makes fun of, ridicules
…cháku suffix … 着 arriving at (TIME/PLACE)
chakkarishite-(i)másu ((i)ru) v [INFORMAL] ちゃっかりして(い)ます((い)る) is nimble, adroit, shrewd and calculating
chakkō n 着工 starting: ~ shimásu 着工 します starts
chakuchaku (to) adv 着々(と) steadily
chakuchí n 着地 landing on: ~ shimásu 着地 し ます lands on
chakufukú n 着服 [BOOKISH] embezzlement, misappropriation: ~ shimásu 着服します pockets, embezzles, have one’s fingers in the till
chakugán n 着眼 [BOOKISH] attention: ~ shimásu 着眼 します turns one’s attention
chakugán-ten 着眼点 viewpoint
chakujítsu (na) adj 着実(な) steady, constant
chakunan n 嫡男 [BOOKISH] heir, eldest son
chakurikú n 着陸 (from sky or wide water area) landing, touching ground: ~ shimásu 着陸します lands on the ground
chakuséki n 着席 taking a seat: ~ shimásu 着席し ます takes a seat
chakushi n 嫡子 [BOOKISH] heir
chakushoku n 着色 coloring, stain, color: ~ shimásu 着色します stains, colors
chákushu n 着手 [BOOKISH] begin, start: ~ shimásu 着手します begins, starts
chakusō n 着想 [BOOKISH] conception, idea, inspiration: ~ shimásu 着想します conceives, comes by
chakusúi n 着水 landing on water, splashing down: ~ shimásu 着水します lands on water, splashes down
chā´mingu n チャーミング charming, attractive
…(-) chan suffix … ちゃん (mostly attached to children’s or girls’ names. [INFORMAL])
chanbará n ちゃんばら sword battle (historical period drama)
chánchara okashíi adj ちゃんちゃらおかしい [INFORMAL] laughable, absurd, fiddle-dee-dee
chánnerú n チャンネル channel (TV): chánnerú o kaemásu チャンネルを替えます changes the channel
chánpion n チャンピオン champion
chánpon n ちゃんぽん alternating, skipping back and forth, mixing one’s drinks/foods
chánsu n チャンス chance
chantó adv ちゃんと safe(ly) (without incident), firmly, securely
chantó shita adj ちゃんとした proper, secure
chárachara shita adj ちゃらちゃらし た [INFORMAL] showy [IN NEGATIVE