junban, order, one’s turn
✓ 3
FU; chichi, father
父兄会 fukeikai, parents’ association
祖父 sofu, grandfather
父母 fubo, parents
✓ 5
FŪ; kaze, wind
風景 fūkei, scenery
台風 taifū, typhoon
南風 minamikaze, south wind
✓ 4
BUN, BU, part, share; FUN, a minute; wa(keru) (v.t.), to divide; wa(kareru), to be separated, to branch off; wa(karu), to know, to understand
自分 jibun, self
二分 nifun, two minutes
十分 jippun, ten minutes
✓ 5
BUN; ki(ku), to hear, to listen to, to ask, to obey; ki(koeru), to be heard
新聞 shinbun, newspaper
新聞社 shinbunsha, newspaper office
見聞 kenbun, information, experience
✓ 5
BEI, America, rice; MAI, rice; kome, rice
米国 Beikoku, America, the United States
米作 beisaku, rice-growing (crop)
白米 hakumai, polished rice
HO, BU; ayu(mu), aru(ku), to walk, to step
第一歩 dai-ippo, the first step
進歩 shinpo, progress
散歩 sanpo, a walk, a stroll
✓ 4
BO; haha, mother
母の日 Haha-no-hi, Mother’s Day
母国 bokoku, mother country
母親 haha-oya, mother
✓ 5
HŌ, direction, side; kata [gata], side, way of ~ing, person
両方 ryōhō, both sides
作り方 tsukurikata, way of making
夕方 yūgata, evening
✓ 4
HOKU; kita, north
北極 Hokkyoku, North Pole
南北 nanboku, north and south
北風 kitakaze, north wind
✓ 5
MAI, every (prefix)
毎日 mainichi, every day
毎朝 mai-asa, every morning
毎週 maishū, every week
✓ 5
MAI; imōto, younger sister
弟妹 teimai, younger brothers and sisters
姉妹 shimai, sisters
✓ 4
MAN, ten thousand; BAN
万年筆 mannenhitsu, fountain pen
万一 man’ichi, if by any chance
万国 bankoku, all countries
✓ 5
MEI, MYŌ, bright; aka(rui), light, bright; aki(raka), bright; a(keru), to dawn, to break (day); a(kasu), to disclose (a secret), to pass the night
夜明け yoake, dawn
説明 setsumei, explanation
発明 hatsumei, invention
✓ 4
MEI; na(ku), to sing (birds), to cry (animals), to howl (animals), to chirp (insects); na(ru) (v.i.), to ring, to sound; na(rasu) (v.t.), to ring (a bell), to sound (a drum), to complain, to be famous
鳴き声 nakigoe, cry (of animals)
悲鳴 himei, scream, cry of distress
鳴動 meidō, rumbling
MŌ; ke, hair
毛糸 keito, woolen thread, yarn
毛虫 kemushi, caterpillar
毛布 mōfu, blanket
MON; kado, gate
校門 kōmon, school gate
専門 senmon, specialty
門口 kadoguchi, door, entrance
✓ 2
YA; yo, yoru, evening, night
夜中 yonaka, midnight
十五夜 jūgoya, night of the full moon
今夜 kon’ya, tonight
✓ 4
YA; no, field, plain
野原 nohara, field
野球 yakyū, baseball
野外 yagai, outdoors
✓ 4
YŪ; tomo, friend
友だち tomodachi, friend