shin’ō, the epicenter, the center of an earthquake
Ō; yoko, the side, the width
横書き yokogaki, writing from left to right
横断 ōdan, crossing, intersection
横顔 yokogao, side view of a person’s face, profile
✓ 3
OKU, house; ya, shop, business
屋根 yane, roof
時計屋 tokeiya, watch shop
屋上 okujō, housetop, roof
✓ 4
ON; warm; atata(kai), warm (to the touch); atata(maru), to warm oneself; atata(meru), to heat
温度 ondo, temperature
温泉 onsen, hot spring
体温 taion, body temperature
✓ 2
KA, influence; KE; ba(keru), to take the form of; ba(kasu), to bewitch
変化 henka, change, variation, alteration
化学 kagaku, chemistry
化粧 keshō, make-up
✓ 3
KA; ni, a load, burden
荷物 nimotsu, baggage
荷船 nibune, freighter
荷作り nizukuri, packing
✓ 2
KAI, world
世界 sekai, world
世界一 sekai-ichi, best in the world
限界 genkai, boundary, limits
✓ 4
KAI; hira(ku), to open (v.t. & i.); a(keru) (v.t.), to open; hira(keru), to be civilized, to open; a(ku) (v.i.) to be open
開会 kaikai, opening a meeting
満開 mankai, full bloom
開発 kaihatsu, development, exploitation
✓ 4
KAI, story of a building, floor, grade
階段 kaidan, stairs, stairway
階級 kaikyū, class, caste
三階 sangai, 3rd floor
✓ 2
KAN, the coldest season of the year; samu(i), cold
極寒 gokkan, bitter cold
寒中 kanchū, cold season
寒流 kanryū, cold current
✓ 3
KAN, feeling, thought
感想 kansō, thoughts, impressions
感心 kanshin, admiration
感覚 kankaku, sensation
KAN, China; ~kan, suffix for “man”
漢字 kanji, Chinese character
漢文 kanbun, Chinese composition
悪漢 akkan, villain, crook
✓ 4
KAN, building, hall; yakata, mansion
図書館 toshokan, library
映画館 eigakan, movie theater
旅館 ryokan, inn, hotel
✓ 4
GAN; kishi, bank, shore
海岸 kaigan, seashore
岸壁 ganpeki, quay, wharf
川岸 kawagishi, riverbank
KI; o(kiru), to rise, to get up; o(kosu), to raise, to awaken (v.t.); o(koru), to occur, to develop
早起き hayaoki, early rising
起原 kigen, origin
起重機 kijūki, crane, derrick
✓ 4
KI, GO, period, term
学期 gakki, school term
期待 kitai, expectation
時期 jiki, the times, season
✓ 3
KYAKU, KAKU, guest, visitor, customer
お客さん o-kyaku-san, guest
客車 kyakusha, railroad passenger car
客船 kyakusen, passenger boat
KYŪ, study; kiwa(meru), to study thoroughly
研究 kenkyū, research
研究会 kenkyūkai, research society
研究家 kenkyūka, researcher
✓ 4
KYŪ; iso(gu), to hurry
急病 kyūbyō, sudden illness
急行 kyūkō, express
大急ぎ ō-isogi, great haste
✓ 4
KYŪ, rank, grade