business; mochi(iru), to use
用意 yōi, preparation
用心 yōjin, heed, care, caution
用事 yōji, business
✓ 4
YŌ, term used for days of the week
木曜日 mokuyōbi, Thursday
土曜日 doyōbi, Saturday
水曜日 suiyōbi, Wednesday
✓ 4
RAI; ku(ru), to come; kita(ru), to arrive, next; kita(su), to cause, to induce
来年 rainen, next year
以来 irai, since, from that time
将来 shōrai, the future
✓ 5
RI, Japanese linear unit (2.44 miles); sato village, country, one’s native home (usually as viewed by a woman married into another family)
郷里 kyōri, one’s native place, home
村里 murazato, village
一里 ichiri, one ri
RI, reason, logic
理解 rikai, understanding
整理 seiri, arrangement, adjustment
料理 ryōri, cooking
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WA; hanashi, story; hana(su), to speak
世話 sewa, aid
電話 denwa, telephone
会話 kaiwa, conversation
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AKU, badness, evil; waru(i), bad, evil
悪口 warukuchi, evil talk, gossip
悪人 akunin, bad man, villain
悪路 akuro, bad road
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AN; yasu(i), cheap, inexpensive
安心 anshin, peace of mind
安全 anzen, safe
不安 fuan, uneasiness
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AN; kura(i), dark
真っ暗 makkura, pitch dark
暗号 angō, code, cryptograph
暗記 anki, memorization
✓ 3
I, to heal, to cure
医者 isha, physician, doctor
医学 igaku, medical science
医院 i-in, medical practitioner’s office
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I; yuda(neru), to entrust with
委員 i-in, committee, delegate
委員長 i-inchō, chairman of a committee
委任 i-nin, charge, trust, commission
I, mind, heart, attention, care
注意 chūi, care, attention
意見 iken, opinion, admonition
意味 imi, meaning
✓ 4
IKU; haguku(mu), brood over (one’s chicks), soda(teru), to bring up, to educate, to raise; soda(tsu), to grow up
教育 kyōiku, education
体育 tai-iku, physical education
育児 ikuji, upbringing of a child
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IN, member, official, personnel
満員 man’in, no vacancy, full house
一員 ichi-in, (one) member
職員 shokuin, staff, personnel
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IN, temple, academy, board, suffix for “institution”
病院 byōin, hospital
美容院 biyōin, beauty shop
下院 ka-in, House of Representatives, Lower House
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IN; no(mu), to drink
飲料水 inryōsui drinking water
飲み水 nomimizu, drinking water
飲み物 nomimono, drinks
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UN, luck; hako(bu), to carry, to transport
運良く un’yoku, luckily
運動 undō, exercise, motion
運命 unmei, fate
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EI; oyo(gu), to swim
水泳 suiei, swimming
平泳ぎ hira-oyogi, breast stroke
水泳大会 suiei taikai, swimming meet
✓ 3
EKI, station
駅前 ekimae, in front of the station
駅長 ekichō, station master
駅員 eki-in, station employee
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