kajitsu, fruit
✓ 3
SHA; utsu(su), to copy, to imitate, to take (a photograph); utsu(ru), to be photographed, to be projected
写真 shashin, photograph
写生 shasei, sketch, drawing from nature
映写 eisha, projection
✓ 4
SHA; mono, person
若者 wakamono, young man
医者 isha, doctor
学者 gakusha, scholar
✓ 4
SHU, SU; nushi, master, owner; omo, main, foremost
主人 shujin, master
民主主義 minshushugi, democracy
持主 mochinushi, owner
✓ 4
SHU, SU; mamo(ru), to protect, to guard, to defend, to obey (the law), to keep (a promise); mori, mo(ri), nursemaid, baby-sitter
お守り o-mamori, amulet, charm
留守 rusu, absence
保守 hoshu, conservatism
SHU; to(ru), to take
取り出す toridasu, to take out
取材 shuzai, choice of subject
取扱い toriatsukai, treatment, handling
✓ 3
SHU; saka-, sake, rice wine, liquor
ぶどう酒 budōshu, wine
酒飲み sakenomi, drinker
酒屋 sakaya, liquor shop
✓ 3
JU; u(keru), to receive; u(karu), to pass (an exam)
受持 ukemochi, charge, matter in hand
受付 uketsuke, receptionist, information desk
受話機 juwaki, telephone receiver
✓ 3
SHŪ, province, state (U.S.A.); su, shallows, a sandbank
本州 Honshū (main island of Japan)
九州 Kyūshū (Japan’s third largest island)
ユタ州 Yuta-shū, State of Utah
✓ 2
SHŪ; JŪ, ten (used in legal documents); hiro(u), to pick up
拾い物 hiroimono, something picked up, windfall, bargain
命拾い inochibiroi, narrow escape (from death)
拾弐円 jūni-en, 12 yen
SHŪ; o(wari), end; o(waru), to come to an end; o(eru), to finish
終戦 shūsen, end of a war
終業 shūgyō, end of work
最終 saishū, the last
✓ 4
SHŪ; nara(u), to learn, to study
練習 renshū, practice
習字 shūji, penmanship
習慣 shūkan, habit, custom
✓ 4
SHŪ; atsu(meru), to collect (v.t.); atsu(maru), to gather together (v.i.); tsudo(u), to meet, to gather
編集 henshū, editing
詩集 shishū, anthology of poems
文集 bunshū, literary anthology
✓ 4
JŪ, dwelling; su(mu), to dwell, to live; su(mai), dwelling
住所 jūsho, address
衣食住 i-shoku-jū, necessities of life (clothing, food, shelter)
住宅 jūtaku, dwelling, living quarters
✓ 4
JŪ, CHŌ; omo(i), heavy; kasa(neru), to pile (things) up; kasa(naru), to be piled up; ~e, ~fold
体重 taijū, weight (of the body)
厳重 genjū, strictness
二重 futae, nijū, duplicate, double, twofold
✓ 4
SHUKU; yado, inn; yado(ru), to lodge at; yado(su), to provide shelter
宿屋 yadoya, inn
宿題 shukudai, homework
下宿 geshuku, boardinghouse
✓ 3
SHO; tokoro, place
台所 daidokoro, kitchen
場所 basho, place
近所 kinjo, neighborhood
✓ 3
SHO; atsu(i), hot
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