Florence Sakade

Guide to Reading and Writing Japanese

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kosui, lake

      湖岸 kogan, shore of a lake

      湖畔 kohan, border of a lake


      KŌ; mu(ku), to turn toward, to be suited for; mu(kau), to face, to head for; mu(kō), the opposite side, beyond

      向こう mukō, opposite

      向こう側 mukōgawa, opposite side

      方向 hōkō, direction, course

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      KŌ; saiwa(i), blessings, good luck, happiness, fortune; sachi, happiness, luck; shiawa(se), happiness, good fortune

      不幸 fukō, unhappiness, misfortune

      幸福 kōfuku, happiness

      幸運 kōun, good fortune


      KŌ; minato, harbor

      港町 minatomachi, port town

      入港 nyūkō, entry into port

      空港 kūkō, airport

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      GŌ, number, issue (of a magazine)

      番号 bangō, number

      記号 kigō, symbol

      信号 shingō, signal, code

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      KON, root (math.), perseverance; ne, root

      根気 konki, patience, perseverance

      大根 daikon, giant white radish

      根本 konpon, basis


      SAI; matsu(ri), festival; matsu(ru), to deify, to worship as a god, to offer prayers for the sake of

      村祭り muramatsuri, village festival

      祭日 saijitsu, national holiday

      文化祭 bunkasai, cultural festival

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      sara, plate, dish, bowl

      皿洗い sara-arai, dishwashing

      皿洗い機 sara-araiki, dishwasher

      灰皿 haizara, ashtray


      SHI, JI, work; tsuka(eru), to serve

      仕事 shigoto, work

      給仕 kyūji, office boy, waiter

      仕方 shikata, way of doing

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      SHI, death; shi(nu), to die

      死体 shitai, corpse

      死傷者 shishōsha, dead and injured, casualties

      必死 hisshi, certain death, desperation


      SHI; tsuka(u), to use

      使い tsukai, errand, messenger

      使命 shimei, mission, errand

      使用 shiyō, use

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      SHI; haji(maru), to begin (v.i.); haji(meru), to begin (v.t.)

      開始 kaishi, commencement, start

      始末 shimatsu, circumstances, the particulars; management

      始業 shigyō, beginning of work or class

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      SHI; yubi, finger; sa(su), to point at, to indicate

      親指 oyayubi, thumb

      指輪 yubiwa, ring

      指揮者 shikisha, conductor, commander

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      SHI; ha, tooth

      虫歯 mushiba, decayed tooth

      歯医者 ha-isha, dentist

      歯車 haguruma, gear, cogwheel


      SHI, poetry, poem

      詩人 shijin, poet

      詩集 shishū, anthology of poetry

      叙事詩 jojishi, epic poem


      JI, SHI; tsugi, next; tsu(gu), to rank next to

      次第 shidai, order, reason, as soon as

      次官 jikan, vice-minister

      目次 mokuji, table of contents

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      JI; koto, thing, action, affair, fact

      仕事 shigoto, work

      用事 yōji, business

      大事 daiji, great matter, serious affair, importance

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      JI; mo(chi), durability; mo(tsu), to have, to hold

      気持 kimochi, feeling

      持参 jisan, bringing

      支持 shiji, support

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      SHIKI, ceremony, form, model; ~shiki, ~-style (suffix for “style”, “type”)

      式場 shikijō, ceremonial hall

      卒業式 sotsugyō-shiki, graduation ceremony, commencement

      旧式 kyūshiki, old-style

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