Ahmad Faris al-Shidyaq

Leg over Leg

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والطَرَش اهون الصمم *

or qafas, “largeness of stool”
or qanʿasah, “extreme shortness of the neck, as in one with a hunchback”
or kasas, “shortness or smallness of the teeth, or their adhering to the gingiva”
or niqris, “swelling and pain in the joints of the ankles and toes”
or hawas, “a touch of insanity”
or ḥamash, “thinness of the legs”
or khafash, “smallness of the eyes and weakness of vision (as an inborn defect), or deterioration, without pain, in the eyelids, or having night but not day vision”
or dawash, “dimness of vision and smallness of the eye”
or ramash, “redness of the eyelids accompanied by a flow of liquid”
or ṭarash, “the mildest form of deafness”


والطُشاش دآء كالزكام *
والعُطاش دآء لا يروى صاحبه *
والعَمَش ضعف البصر مع سيلان الدمع فى اكثر الاوقات *
والمَدَش رخاوة عصب اليد وقلة لحمها ودقتها *
والنمش نقط بيض وسود او بقع تقع فى الجلد تخالف لونه *
والبَخَص لحم ناتئ فوق العينين او تحتهما كهيئة النفخة والتبخّص انقلاب الاجفان *
والبرص معروف *
والتَعَص وجع العصب من كثرة المشى *
والحاصّة دآء يتناثر منه الشعر *
والحَوَص ضيق فى موخر العينين او فى احداهما *
or ṭushāsh, “a malady like nasal congestion”
or ʿuṭāsh, “a disease whose victim cannot quench his thirst”
or ʿamash, “weakness of vision accompanied by constant tearing”
or madash, “flaccidity of the sinew of the hand, or its having little flesh and being thin”
or namash, “white and black spots and blotches on the skin that contrast with the color of the latter”
or bakhaṣ, “flesh forming a lump above or below the eyes in the shape of a swelling; tabakhkhuṣ is inversion of the eyelids”
or baraṣ, “too well-known to require definition” [“leprosy”]
or taʿaṣ, “leg muscle pain caused by walking”
or ḥāṣṣah, “a disease that causes the hair to fall out”
or ḥawaṣ, “constriction in the outer corners of the eyes or in one of them”


والخَوَص غؤور العينين *
والخَيَص صغر احدى العينين *
والرَمَص وسخ ابيض يجتمع فى الموق *
والشَوْصة وجع فى البطن او ريح تعتقب فى الاضلاع او ورم فى حجابها *
والغَمَص ما سال من الرمص *
والقَبَص وجع يصيب الكبد من التمر على الريق وضخم الهامة *
والقِرْماص قصر الخدين *
والقَفَص حموضة فى المعدة من شرب المآء على التمر وحرارة فى الحلق *
واللَحَص تغضن كثير فى اعلى الجفن *
واللَخَص كون الجفن الاعلى لحيما *

or khawaṣ, “sinking of the eyes [into the skull]”
or khayaṣ, “smallness of one eye [compared to the other]”
or ramaṣ, “foul white matter that collects in the inner corner of the eye”
or shawṣah, “pain in the belly, or flatulence that affects the ribs, or swelling in the diaphragm”
or ghamaṣ, “dripping ramaṣ [q.v.]”
or qabaṣ, “a pain that afflicts the liver as a result of eating dates on an empty stomach, or largeness of the crown of the head”
or qirmāṣ, “shortness of the cheeks”
or qafaṣ, “acidity in the stomach from drinking water after eating dates, or burning in the throat”
or laḥaṣ, “abundant wrinkling on the upper side of the eyelid”